
Defines functions `devcoords`

##' Returns device-coordinates and plot-region
##' @title Returns device-coordinates and plot-region
##' @return A \code{list} with elements
##'  \item{dev.x1}{Device: Left x-coordinate}
##'  \item{dev.x2}{Device: Right x-coordinate}
##'  \item{dev.y1}{Device Bottom y-coordinate}
##'  \item{dev.y2}{Device Top y-coordinate}
##'  \item{fig.x1}{Plot: Left x-coordinate}
##'  \item{fig.x2}{Plot: Right x-coordinate}
##'  \item{fig.y1}{Plot: Bottom y-coordinate}
##'  \item{fig.y2}{Plot: Top y-coordinate}
##' @author Klaus K. Holst
##' @export
##' @keywords hplot
`devcoords` <-
    function() {
        cc <- par("usr") ## extremes of coordinates of plotting region (x1,x2,y1,y2)
        plotinch <- par("pin") ## Plot dimensions (width,height) in inches
        margininch <- par("mai") ## Margin sizes in inches (bottom, left, top ,right)
        plotlenX <- cc[2]-cc[1]
        unitinchX <- plotlenX/plotinch[1]
        plotlenY <- cc[4]-cc[3]
        unitinchY <- plotlenY/plotinch[2]
        deviceXleft <- cc[1]-unitinchX*margininch[2]
        deviceXright <- cc[2]+unitinchX*margininch[4]
        deviceYtop <- cc[4]+unitinchY*margininch[3]
        deviceYbottom <- cc[3]-unitinchY*margininch[1]
        return(list(dev.x1=deviceXleft, dev.x2=deviceXright, dev.y1=deviceYbottom, dev.y2=deviceYtop, fig.x1=cc[1], fig.x2=cc[2], fig.y1=cc[3], fig.y2=cc[4]))

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lava documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:10 a.m.