

con <- dbConnect(SFSQL_PG(),
  dbname =
  user =
  password =
  host =

mapa <- tbl(con, "mapa_comunas")

x <- mapa  %>% filter(codigo_provincia == "014") %>% select(codigo_comuna, geom) %>% st_as_sf()

```{r postgres}

(sfx <- lazysf(con, query = "SELECT st_area(st_transform(geom, '+proj=laea +lon_0=-68 +lat_0=-25')) / 1e6 AS sq_km,
                                        codigo_comuna, geom FROM mapa_comunas WHERE codigo_region = '03'"))

You can construct the database connection string yourself and provide it
directly to lazysf() if you want. See [GDAL Postgres](
for details on this format, and this capability is available for any of the GDAL formats (see limitations above).

Try the lazysf package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

lazysf documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 9:07 a.m.