Man pages for ldamatch
Selection of Statistically Similar Research Groups

ad_haltA univariate halting test using the Anderson-Darling test.
calc_metricsCalculates basic metrics about ldamatch search result.
calc_p_valueCalculates p-value using specified halting test.
compare_ldamatch_outputsCompares outputs of ldamatch runs.
create_halting_testCreates halting test from multiple tests.
dot-ad_critCriterion function for ad_halt.
dot-apply_critReturns smallest halting_test-threshold ratio, or 0 if less...
dot-apply_crit_to_condition_pairsReturns smallest value from .apply_crit for all condition...
dot-calc_multipliersCalculates multipliers used in search_random.
dot-calc_p_thresh_ratioCalculates p-value-threshold ratio.
dot-calc_subject_balance_divergenceCharacterizes closeness of actual group sizes to what is...
dot-check_subspaces_for_group_size_setupSearches over all possible subspaces for specified group size...
dot-choose_best_subjectsChooses best set of subjects in a set.
dot-choose_best_test_statisticChooses rows with best test statistic.
dot-choose_most_frequently_chosen_subject_from_subject_tuplesChooses best one(s) of a set of subjects having the best...
dot-choose_subject_with_best_p_value_from_subject_tuplesChooses best one(s) of a set of subjects having the best...
dot-combine_setsCombines current best and candidate sets, keeping the highest...
dot-create_Cartesian_iterableCreates Cartesian product of iterators.
dot-decrease_group_sizesCreates all group sizes by reducing one group in all rows of...
dot-f_critCriterion function for f_halt.
dot-flip_indFlips logical vector at specified indices
dot-foreachWrapper to foreach::foreach called from...
dot-get_halting_testReturns halting tests for names, or checks if pass functions...
dot-get_human_readableReturns human readable format for number of seconds.
dot-get_if_args_are_missingDetermines which arguments for a function, which is its...
dot-internally_compare_ldamatch_outputsCompares outputs of ldamatch runs using internally normalized...
dot-ks_critCriterion function for ks_halt.
dot-l_critCriterion function for l_halt.
dot-normalize_max_removed_per_condNormalizes max_removed_per_cond parameter for match_groups()...
dot-normalize_propsNormalizes the props parameter for match_groups().
dot-recycleRecycles threshold values for halting tests.
dot-search_heuristic_with_lookaheadFinds matching using depth-first search, looking ahead n...
dot-sort_group_sizesOrders rows by similarity to expected group size proportions.
dot-t_critCriterion function for t_halt.
dot-toleranceAn infinitesimally small amount, used to check if values are...
dot-U_critCriterion function for U_halt.
dot-unique_listUniquifies a list.
dot-vector_list_to_stringCreates string from list of vectors.
dot-warn_about_extra_paramsWarns about extra (i.e. unused) parameters.
estimate_exhaustiveEstimates the maximum number of cases to be checked during...
f_haltA univariate halting test using Fisher's exact test.
get_paramGets value for ldamatch global parameter.
ks_haltA univariate halting test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test,...
ldamatchldamatch: Selection of Statistically Similar Research Groups.
l_haltA univariate halting test using Levene's test.
match_groupsCreates a matched group via backward selection.
matching_methodsThe available methods for matching.
nondeterministic_matching_methodsThe available nondeterministic methods for matching.
parallelized_matching_methodsThe available parallelized methods for matching.
search_exhaustiveSearches the space backwards, prefering more subjects and...
search_heuristic2OBSOLETE: Finds matching using depth-first search...
search_heuristic3Finds matching using depth-first search, looking ahead n...
search_heuristic4Finds matching using depth-first search, looking ahead n...
search_randomSearches by randomly selecting subspaces with decreasing...
set_paramSets value for ldamatch global parameter.
t_haltA univariate halting test using the t-test, which must be...
U_haltA univariate halting test using the Wilcoxon test, which must...
wilks_haltA multivariate halting test appropriate for more than two...
ldamatch documentation built on May 23, 2021, 5:06 p.m.