dot-decrease_group_sizes: Creates all group sizes by reducing one group in all rows of...

.decrease_group_sizesR Documentation

Creates all group sizes by reducing one group in all rows of grpsizes.


Used for generating all group size combinations for one specific total size iteratively, starting from grpsizes with one row containing original group sizes.


.decrease_group_sizes(grpsizes, grpnames, minpergrp)



A data.table with the columns containing the group names, and the rows containing a particular setup of group sizes. All rows are expected to have the same sum (not checked).


The group names (specified because the table can have other columns as well).


The minimum number of subjects to be preserved per group.


A data.table with the same format as grpsizes, containing all possible group setups totaling to one less than the total in grpsizes.

ldamatch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:56 a.m.