Man pages for leafSTAR
Silhouette to Area Ratio of Tilted Surfaces

AhmesApplication for smartphones for measuring the position angles...
dihedralCalculate the dihedral angle between two planes
fixfileFix the output of 'Ahmes' 1.0
fixhourFix the hour format
guavaLeaf angles of guava trees
oleaLeaf angles of olive tree measured with 'Ahmes' 1.0
oliveLeaf angles of olive tree measured with a compass and...
orchidsLeaf and pseudobulb angles of epiphytic orchids
salCalculate the projected surface area of a tilted plane
simu.starCalculate simulated silhouette to area ratios simulated silhouette to area ratios from 'Ahmes'...
starCalculate the silhouette to area ratio
star.appCalculate the silhouette to area ratio from 'Ahmes' 1.0
tiltCalculate the tilt angle
tropicalLeaf angles of tropical canopy trees measured with...
leafSTAR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:35 p.m.