Man pages for leapp
Latent Effect Adjustment After Primary Projection

AlternateSVDAlternating singular value decomposition
FindAUCCompute the area under the ROC curve (AUC)
FindFprCompute the false positive rate at given sizes of retrieved...
FindPreccompute the precision at given sizes of retrieved genes
FindReccompute the recall at given sizes of retrieved genes
FindTprcompute the true positive rate at given sizes of retrieved...
IPODIterative penalized outlier detection algorithm
IPODFUNcompute the iterative penalized outlier detection given the...
leapplatent effect adjustment after primary projection
leapp-packagelatent effect adjustment after primary projection
PvalueCalculate statistics and p-values
ridgeOutlier detection with a ridge penalty
ROCplotplot ROC curve
simdatSimulated gene expression data affected by a group variable...
leapp documentation built on June 20, 2022, 1:05 a.m.