
#' Section Types of LegCo Meetings
#' A data frame containing possible types of sections in LegCo meetings. For use
#' to look up the meaning of a section code returned by the API.
#' This data frame is a formatted offline copy of the \emph{Sections} data
#' endpoint of the Hansard Database.
#' @format A dataframe with 51 rows and 3 variables: \itemize{ \item
#'   \code{SectionCode}: Unique code(s) for each section type \item
#'   \code{NameEng}: English name of the section \item \code{NameChi}: Chinese
#'   name of the section }
#' @inherit hansard-db
#' @examples
#' # Look up the meaning of section code "mbm"
#' x <- legco_section_type[legco_section_type$SectionCode == "mbm", ]

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legco documentation built on Oct. 16, 2021, 5:09 p.m.