
# get_data.R
# This Rscript:
# * loads the datasets for the week of interest
# * save the datasets in .cvs file
# * create a tidytuesday template (.Rmd) for data analysis
# Note: something here
# Dependencies...
# Produces...
# data/data_name.csv

# install.packages("tidytuesdayR")

# load and save the data
year <- YY
week <- WW
dir_name <- paste0(year, "/", year, "_week_", week, "/")

tt_output <- tt_load_gh(year, week)
file_name <- "str"

tt_data <- tt_download(tt_output, files = paste0(file_name, ".csv"))
          file = paste0(dir_name, "data/", file_name, ".csv"),
          row.names = FALSE)

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lehuynh documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:35 a.m.