
#' lessSEM
#' **Please see the vignettes and the readme on [GitHub](https://jhorzek.github.io/lessSEM/) 
#' for the most up to date description of the package**
#' **lessSEM** (**l**essSEM **es**timates **s**parse **SEM**) is an R package for 
#' regularized structural equation modeling (regularized SEM) with non-smooth 
#' penalty functions (e.g., lasso) building on [**lavaan**](https://github.com/yrosseel/lavaan). 
#' **lessSEM** is heavily inspired by the [**regsem**](https://github.com/Rjacobucci/regsem) package 
#' and the [**lslx**](https://github.com/psyphh/lslx) packages that have similar functionality.
#' **If you use lessSEM, please also cite [regsem](https://github.com/Rjacobucci/regsem) and 
#' and [lslx](https://github.com/psyphh/lslx)!**
#' The objectives of **lessSEM** are to provide ...
#' 1. a flexible framework for regularizing SEM and
#' 2. optimizers for other SEM packages which can be used with an interface
#' similar to `optim`.
#' **Important**: Please also check out the implementations of regularized SEM in the more 
#' mature R packages [**regsem**](https://github.com/Rjacobucci/regsem) and [**lslx**](https://github.com/psyphh/lslx). 
#' Finally, you may want to check out the julia package 
#' [**StructuralEquationModels.jl**](https://github.com/StructuralEquationModels/StructuralEquationModels.jl).
#' ## [**regsem**](https://github.com/Rjacobucci/regsem), [**lslx**](https://github.com/psyphh/lslx), and **lessSEM**
#' The packages [**regsem**](https://github.com/Rjacobucci/regsem), 
#' [**lslx**](https://github.com/psyphh/lslx), and **lessSEM** can all be used to
#' regularize basic SEM. In fact, as outlined above, **lessSEM** is heavily inspired
#' by [**regsem**](https://github.com/Rjacobucci/regsem)
#' and [**lslx**](https://github.com/psyphh/lslx). However, the packages differ in their targets: The objective
#' of **lessSEM** is not to replace the more major packages [**regsem**](https://github.com/Rjacobucci/regsem)
#' and [**lslx**](https://github.com/psyphh/lslx). Instead, our objective is to
#' provide method developers with a flexible framework for regularized SEM.
#' The following shows an incomplete comparison of some features implemented in
#' the three packages:
#'   | | **regsem** | **lslx** | **lessSEM** |
#'   | --- | --- | --- | --- |
#'   | Model specification | based on lavaan | similar to lavaan | based on lavaan |
#'   | Maximum likelihood estimation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
#'   | Least squares estimation | No | Yes | No |
#'   | Confidence Intervals | No | Yes | No |
#'   | Missing Data | FIML | Auxiliary Variables | FIML |
#'   | Multi-group models | No | Yes | Yes |
#'   | Stability selection | Yes | No | No |
#'   | Mixed penalties | No | No | Yes |
#'   | Equality constraints | Yes | No | Yes |
#'   | Parameter transformations | diff_lasso | No | Yes |
#'   | Definition variables | No | No | Yes |
#' Because **lessSEM** is fairly new, we currently recommend using **lslx** for cases
#' that are covered by both, **lessSEM** and **lslx**.
#' # Introduction
#' You will find a short introduction to regularized SEM with the **lessSEM**
#' package in `vignette('lessSEM', package = 'lessSEM')`. More information is also
#' provided in the documentation of the individual functions (e.g., see `?lessSEM::scad`).
#' Finally, you will find templates for a selection of models which can be used with **lessSEM**
#' (e.g., the cross-lagged panel model) in the package [**lessTemplates**](https://github.com/jhorzek/lessTemplates).
#' # Example
#' ```
#' library(lessSEM)
#' library(lavaan)
#' # Identical to regsem, lessSEM builds on the lavaan
#' # package for model specification. The first step
#' # therefore is to implement the model in lavaan.
#' dataset <- simulateExampleData()
#' lavaanSyntax <- "
#'       f =~ l1*y1 + l2*y2 + l3*y3 + l4*y4 + l5*y5 + 
#'            l6*y6 + l7*y7 + l8*y8 + l9*y9 + l10*y10 + 
#'            l11*y11 + l12*y12 + l13*y13 + l14*y14 + l15*y15
#'       f ~~ 1*f
#'       "
#' lavaanModel <- lavaan::sem(lavaanSyntax,
#'                            data = dataset,
#'                            meanstructure = TRUE,
#'                            std.lv = TRUE)
#' # Regularization:
#' lsem <- lasso(
#'   # pass the fitted lavaan model
#'   lavaanModel = lavaanModel,
#'   # names of the regularized parameters:
#'   regularized = c("l6", "l7", "l8", "l9", "l10",
#'                   "l11", "l12", "l13", "l14", "l15"),
#'   # in case of lasso and adaptive lasso, we can specify the number of lambda
#'   # values to use. lessSEM will automatically find lambda_max and fit
#'   # models for nLambda values between 0 and lambda_max. For the other
#'   # penalty functions, lambdas must be specified explicitly
#'   nLambdas = 50)
#' # use the plot-function to plot the regularized parameters:
#' plot(lsem)
#' # use the coef-function to show the estimates
#' coef(lsem)
#' # The best parameters can be extracted with:
#' coef(lsem, criterion = "AIC")
#' coef(lsem, criterion = "BIC")
#' # elements of lsem can be accessed with the @ operator:
#' lsem@parameters[1,]
#' # AIC and BIC for all tuning parameter configurations:
#' AIC(lsem)
#' BIC(lsem)
#' # cross-validation
#' cv <- cvLasso(lavaanModel = lavaanModel,
#'               regularized = c("l6", "l7", "l8", "l9", "l10",
#'                               "l11", "l12", "l13", "l14", "l15"),
#'               lambdas = seq(0,1,.1),
#'               standardize = TRUE)
#' # get best model according to cross-validation:
#' coef(cv)
#' #### Advanced ###
#' # Switching the optimizer # 
#' # Use the "method" argument to switch the optimizer. The control argument
#' # must also be changed to the corresponding function:
#' lsemIsta <- lasso(
#'   lavaanModel = lavaanModel,
#'   regularized = paste0("l", 6:15),
#'   nLambdas = 50,
#'   method = "ista",
#'   control = controlIsta(
#'     # Here, we can also specify that we want to use multiple cores:
#'     nCores = 2))
#' # Note: The results are basically identical:
#' lsemIsta@parameters - lsem@parameters
#' ```
#' # Transformations
#' **lessSEM** allows for parameter transformations which could, for instance, be used to test
#' measurement invariance in longitudinal models (e.g., Liang, 2018; Bauer et al., 2020).
#' A thorough introduction is provided in ``vignette('Parameter-transformations', package = 'lessSEM')``. 
#' As an example, we will test measurement invariance in the `PoliticalDemocracy`
#' data set.
#' ```
#' library(lessSEM)
#' library(lavaan)
#' # we will use the PoliticalDemocracy from lavaan (see ?lavaan::sem)
#' model <- ' 
#'   # latent variable definitions
#'      ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
#'      # assuming different loadings for different time points:
#'      dem60 =~ y1 + a1*y2 + b1*y3 + c1*y4
#'      dem65 =~ y5 + a2*y6 + b2*y7 + c2*y8
#'   # regressions
#'     dem60 ~ ind60
#'     dem65 ~ ind60 + dem60
#'   # residual correlations
#'     y1 ~~ y5
#'     y2 ~~ y4 + y6
#'     y3 ~~ y7
#'     y4 ~~ y8
#'     y6 ~~ y8
#' '
#' fit <- sem(model, data = PoliticalDemocracy)
#' # We will define a transformation which regularizes differences
#' # between loadings over time:
#' transformations <- "
#' // which parameters do we want to use?
#' parameters: a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2, delta_a2, delta_b2, delta_c2
#' // transformations:
#' a2 = a1 + delta_a2;
#' b2 = b1 + delta_b2;
#' c2 = c1 + delta_c2;
#' "
#' # setting delta_a2, delta_b2, or delta_c2 to zero implies measurement invariance
#' # for the respective parameters (a1, b1, c1)
#' lassoFit <- lasso(lavaanModel = fit, 
#'                   # we want to regularize the differences between the parameters
#'                   regularized = c("delta_a2", "delta_b2", "delta_c2"),
#'                   nLambdas = 100,
#'                   # Our model modification must make use of the modifyModel - function:
#'                   modifyModel = modifyModel(transformations = transformations)
#' )
#' ```
#' Finally, we can extract the best parameters:
#' ```
#' coef(lassoFit, criterion = "BIC")
#' ```
#' As all differences (`delta_a2`, `delta_b2`, and `delta_c2`) have been zeroed, we can 
#' assume measurement invariance.
#' # Experimental Features
#' The following features are relatively new and you may still experience some bugs.
#' Please be aware of that when using these features.
#' ## From **lessSEM** to **lavaan**
#' **lessSEM** supports exporting specific models to **lavaan**. This can be very useful when plotting the 
#' final model. In our case, the best model is given by:
#' ```
#' lambdaBest <- coef(lsem, criterion = "BIC")@tuningParameters$lambda 
#' ```
#' We can get the **lavaan** model with the parameters corresponding to those of the
#' regularized model with `lambda = lambdaBest` as follows:
#' ```
#' lavaanModel <- lessSEM2Lavaan(regularizedSEM = lsem, 
#'                               lambda = lambdaBest)
#' ```
#' The result can be plotted with, for instance, [**semPlot**](https://github.com/SachaEpskamp/semPlot):
#' ```
#' library(semPlot)
#' semPaths(lavaanModel,
#'          what = "est",
#'          fade = FALSE)
#' ```
#' ## Multi-Group Models and Definition Variables
#' **lessSEM** supports multi-group SEM and, to some degree, definition variables.
#' Regularized multi-group SEM have been proposed by Huang (2018) and are 
#' implemented in **lslx** (Huang, 2020). Here, differences between groups are regularized.
#' A detailed introduction can be found in 
#' `vignette(topic = "Definition-Variables-and-Multi-Group-SEM", package = "lessSEM")`.
#' Therein it is also explained how the multi-group SEM can be used to implement
#' definition variables (e.g., for latent growth curve models).
#' ## Mixed Penalties
#' **lessSEM** allows for defining different penalties for different parts
#' of the model. This feature is new and very experimental. Please keep that
#' in mind when using the procedure. A detailed introduction
#' can be found in `vignette(topic = "Mixed-Penalties", package = "lessSEM")`.
#' To provide a short example, we will regularize the loadings and the regression
#' parameters of the Political Democracy data set with different penalties. The 
#' following script is adapted from `?lavaan::sem`.
#' ```
#' model <- ' 
#'   # latent variable definitions
#'      ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3 + c2*y2 + c3*y3 + c4*y4
#'      dem60 =~ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4
#'      dem65 =~ y5 + y6 + y7 + c*y8
#'   # regressions
#'     dem60 ~ r1*ind60
#'     dem65 ~ r2*ind60 + r3*dem60
#' '
#' lavaanModel <- sem(model,
#'                    data = PoliticalDemocracy)
#' # Let's add a lasso penalty on the cross-loadings c2 - c4 and 
#' # scad penalty on the regressions r1-r3
#' fitMp <- lavaanModel |>
#'   mixedPenalty() |>
#'   addLasso(regularized = c("c2", "c3", "c4"), 
#'            lambdas = seq(0,1,.1)) |>
#'   addScad(regularized = c("r1", "r2", "r3"), 
#'           lambdas = seq(0,1,.2),
#'           thetas = 3.7) |>
#'   fit()
#' ```
#' The best model according to the BIC can be extracted with:
#' ```
#' coef(fitMp, criterion = "BIC")
#' ```
#' # Optimizers
#' Currently, **lessSEM** has the following optimizers:
#' - (variants of) iterative shrinkage and thresholding (e.g., Beck & Teboulle, 2009;
#' Gong et al., 2013; Parikh & Boyd, 2013); optimization of cappedL1, lsp, scad, and mcp is based on Gong et al. (2013)
#' - glmnet (Friedman et al., 2010; Yuan et al., 2012; Huang, 2020)
#' These optimizers are implemented based on the 
#' [**regCtsem**](https://github.com/jhorzek/regCtsem) package. Most importantly, 
#' **all optimizers in lessSEM are available for other packages.** 
#'   There are three ways to implement them which are documented in 
#' `vignette("General-Purpose-Optimization", package = "lessSEM")`.
#' In short, these are:
#' 1. using the R interface: All general purpose implementations of the functions 
#' are called with prefix "gp" (`gpLasso`, `gpScad`, ...). More information and 
#' examples can be found in the documentation of these functions (e.g., `?lessSEM::gpLasso`, 
#'                                                                `?lessSEM::gpAdaptiveLasso`, `?lessSEM::gpElasticNet`). The interface is similar to 
#' the optim optimizers in R. 
#' 2. using Rcpp, we can pass C++ function pointers to the general purpose optimizers
#' `gpLassoCpp`, `gpScadCpp`, ... (e.g., `?lessSEM::gpLassoCpp`)
#' 3. All optimizers are implemented as C++ header-only files in **lessSEM**. Thus, 
#' they can be accessed from other packages using C++. The interface is similar 
#' to that of the [**ensmallen**](https://ensmallen.org/) library. We have implemented
#' a simple example for elastic net regularization of linear regressions in the 
#' [**lessLM**](https://github.com/jhorzek/lessLM) package. You can also find more 
#' details on the general design of the optimizer interface in `vignette("The-optimizer-interface", package = "lessSEM")`.
#' # References
#' ## R - Packages / Software
#' * [lavaan](https://github.com/yrosseel/lavaan) Rosseel, Y. (2012). lavaan: An R Package for Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(2), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v048.i02
#' * [regsem](https://github.com/Rjacobucci/regsem): Jacobucci, R. (2017). regsem: 
#'   Regularized Structural Equation Modeling. ArXiv:1703.08489 [Stat]. https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.08489
#' * [lslx](https://github.com/psyphh/lslx): Huang, P.-H. (2020). lslx: 
#'   Semi-confirmatory structural equation modeling via penalized likelihood. Journal 
#' of Statistical Software, 93(7). https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v093.i07
#' * [fasta](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=fasta): 
#'   Another implementation of the fista algorithm (Beck & Teboulle, 2009).
#' * [ensmallen](https://ensmallen.org/): Curtin, R. R., Edel, M., Prabhu, R. G., 
#' Basak, S., Lou, Z., & Sanderson, C. (2021). The ensmallen library for flexible 
#' numerical optimization. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22, 1–6.
#' * [regCtsem](https://github.com/jhorzek/regCtsem): Orzek, J. H., & Voelkle, M. C. (in press). 
#' Regularized continuous time structural equation models: A network perspective. Psychological Methods.
#' ## Regularized Structural Equation Modeling
#' * Huang, P.-H., Chen, H., & Weng, L.-J. (2017). A Penalized Likelihood Method 
#' for Structural Equation Modeling. Psychometrika, 82(2), 329–354. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11336-017-9566-9
#' * Huang, P.-H. (2018). A penalized likelihood method for multi-group structural equation modelling. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 71(3), 499–522. https://doi.org/10.1111/bmsp.12130
#' * Jacobucci, R., Grimm, K. J., & McArdle, J. J. (2016). Regularized Structural 
#' Equation Modeling. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 23(4), 
#' 555–566. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705511.2016.1154793
#' ## Penalty Functions
#' * Candès, E. J., Wakin, M. B., & Boyd, S. P. (2008). Enhancing Sparsity by 
#' Reweighted l1 Minimization. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 14(5–6), 
#' 877–905. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00041-008-9045-x
#' * Fan, J., & Li, R. (2001). Variable selection via nonconcave penalized 
#' likelihood and its oracle properties. Journal of the American Statistical 
#' Association, 96(456), 1348–1360. https://doi.org/10.1198/016214501753382273
#' * Hoerl, A. E., & Kennard, R. W. (1970). Ridge Regression: Biased Estimation 
#' for Nonorthogonal Problems. Technometrics, 12(1), 55–67. https://doi.org/10.1080/00401706.1970.10488634
#' * Tibshirani, R. (1996). Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso. 
#' Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 58(1), 267–288.
#' * Zhang, C.-H. (2010). Nearly unbiased variable selection under minimax concave penalty. 
#' The Annals of Statistics, 38(2), 894–942. https://doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS729
#' * Zhang, T. (2010). Analysis of Multi-stage Convex Relaxation for Sparse Regularization. 
#' Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11, 1081–1107.
#' * Zou, H. (2006). The adaptive lasso and its oracle properties. Journal of the 
#' American Statistical Association, 101(476), 1418–1429. https://doi.org/10.1198/016214506000000735
#' * Zou, H., & Hastie, T. (2005). Regularization and variable selection via the 
#' elastic net. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 67(2), 301–320. 
#' https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9868.2005.00503.x
#' ## Optimizer
#' ### GLMNET 
#' * Friedman, J., Hastie, T., & Tibshirani, R. (2010). Regularization paths for 
#' generalized linear models via coordinate descent. Journal of Statistical 
#' Software, 33(1), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v033.i01
#' * Yuan, G.-X., Ho, C.-H., & Lin, C.-J. (2012). An improved GLMNET for 
#' l1-regularized logistic regression. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 
#' 13, 1999–2030. https://doi.org/10.1145/2020408.2020421
#' ### Variants of ISTA
#' * Beck, A., & Teboulle, M. (2009). A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding 
#' Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2(1), 
#' 183–202. https://doi.org/10.1137/080716542
#' * Gong, P., Zhang, C., Lu, Z., Huang, J., & Ye, J. (2013). A general iterative 
#' shrinkage and thresholding algorithm for non-convex regularized optimization problems. 
#' Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning, 28(2)(2), 37–45.
#' * Parikh, N., & Boyd, S. (2013). Proximal Algorithms. Foundations and 
#' Trends in Optimization, 1(3), 123–231.
#' ## Miscellaneous
#' * Liang, X., Yang, Y., & Huang, J. (2018). Evaluation of structural relationships in autoregressive cross-lagged models under longitudinal approximate invariance: A Bayesian analysis. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 25(4), 558–572. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705511.2017.1410706
#' * Bauer, D. J., Belzak, W. C. M., & Cole, V. T. (2020). Simplifying the Assessment of Measurement Invariance over Multiple Background Variables: Using Regularized Moderated Nonlinear Factor Analysis to Detect Differential Item Functioning. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 27(1), 43–55. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705511.2019.1642754
#' # Important Notes
#' @docType package
#' @author Jannik Orzek <orzek@mpib-berlin.mpg.de>
#' @importFrom RcppParallel RcppParallelLibs
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @import Rcpp
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @rawNamespace importFrom(stats,AIC,BIC,coef,logLik); import(lavaan) # NOTE: The order is relevant...
#' @useDynLib lessSEM, .registration=TRUE
#' @name lessSEM
#' @keywords internal

# SEM Module
Rcpp::loadModule("SEM_cpp", TRUE)

# mgSEM Module
Rcpp::loadModule("mgSEM_cpp", TRUE)

# SEM optimization
Rcpp::loadModule("istaEnetSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaEnetMgSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaCappedL1SEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaCappedL1mgSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaLSPSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaLSPMgSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaScadSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaScadMgSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaMcpSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaMcpMgSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaMixedPenaltySEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaMixedPenaltymgSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetEnetSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetEnetMgSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetScadSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetScadMgSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetCappedL1SEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetCappedL1MgSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetMcpSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetMcpMgSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetLspSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetLspMgSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetMixedSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetMixedMgSEM_cpp", TRUE)

Rcpp::loadModule("bfgsEnetSEM_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("bfgsEnetMgSEM_cpp", TRUE)

# General Purpose
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetEnetGeneralPurpose_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetMixedPenaltyGeneralPurpose_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaEnetGeneralPurpose_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaMixedPenaltyGeneralPurpose_cpp", TRUE)

# general Purpose with Cpp
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetEnetGeneralPurposeCpp_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("glmnetMixedPenaltyGeneralPurposeCpp_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaEnetGeneralPurposeCpp_cpp", TRUE)
Rcpp::loadModule("istaMixedPenaltyGeneralPurposeCpp_cpp", TRUE)

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lessSEM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:10 a.m.