Man pages for lfstat
Calculation of Low Flow Statistics for Daily Stream Flow Data

apply.seasonalApply an aggregation function seasonally.
as.lfobjCoerce to class "lfobj"
as.xts.lfobjConvert Object To Class "xts"
baseflowCalculate the base flow of a river
BFIBase Flow Index
bfplotBase Flow Plot
cdf_evReversed functions for several Extreme Value Distributions
check_distributionChecks if a Distribution is suited
createlfobjCreate an low flow object for further Low Flow Analysis
dmcurveDouble Mass Curve
evfitFit an extreme value distribution to observations
evquantileEstimating populations quantiles of extreme values
ev_return_periodEstimate the return period for given quantiles
fdcFlow Duration Curve
fill_naInterpolation NA values in a vector
find_droughtsIdentifying Low Flow Periods
flowunitSet and retrieve unit of the discharge
gringortenGringorten Plotting Positions
hyear_startExtract or guess the Start of a Hydrological Year
lfnacheckLow flow object check for missing values.
lfnainterpolateInterpolate missing values
lfstat-packageCalculation of Low Flow Statistics for Daily Stream Flow Data
maSimple Moving Average
MAMMean Annual Minimum
meanflowMean flow
multistationsreportReport for several stations
ngaruroroDaily stream flow data used for low flow analysis
plot.deficitPlot time series of deficits
pool_icPooling Procedures of Low Flow Events
Q95Qxx, Q95, Q90, Q70
rainpeakplotRecession diagnostic plot
readlfdataReads data sheets
recessionRecession Constant
rfaRegional Frequency Analysis
rfaplotRegional Frequency Analysis
rplineHighlight quantiles/return periods
sbplotSeasonal Bar Chart
seasindexSeasonality Index
seasonAttribute dates to seasons
seasratioSeasonality Ratio
seglenplotBar chart of recession length
setlfunitDefine the unit to use in low flow plots
streamdefStreamflow Deficit
streamdefplotStreamflow Deficit Plot
summary.deficitObject Summaries
trace_valueDraw Paths to Points perpendicular to Coordinate Axis
tyearsCalculate Low-Flow Quantiles for given Return Periods
tyearsSCalculate Low-Flow Quantiles for given Return Periods
vary_thresholdCreate varying thresholds
water_yearCompute the water year
lfstat documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:42 p.m.