Man pages for lmSupport
Support for Linear Models

BACBAC and Fear-potenitated startle
dfMergeMerges two data frames
dfReadDatOpens a tab-delimited dat file with typical Curtin lab...
dfRemoveCasesRemoves cases from dataframe
dfRownamesSets rownames to SubID
dfWriteDatSaves dataframe as tab-delimited text file with typical...
figAxisWrapper for standarized use of axis()
figBarPlotWrapper for standarized use of barplot2() from gplots
figConfidenceBandCreates confidence band for regression line
figErrBarsWrapper for standarized use of error bars
figLabDefaultsGenerate list graphing parameters
figLayoutWrapper for standarized use of layout()
figLegendWrapper for standarized use of figLegend()
figLinesWrapper for standarized use of lines()
figNewDeviceOpens device for graphing
figPlotRegionSets up a plot region for later plotting
figPointsWrapper for standarized use of points()
figSetDefaultsSaves list of graphing parameters in options
figStripChartCreate strip chart on plot
figTextWrapper for standarized use of text()
lmSupport-deprecatedDeprecated Functions in lmSupport Package
modelAssumptionsAssess Linear Model Assumptions
modelBoxCoxCalculates lambda for Box-Cox power transformation
modelCaseAnalysisProvides graphs and/or tests for problematic cases for a...
modelCompareF-tests for nested models
modelCorrectSECalculates White (1980)'s heteroscedascity-corrected SEs and...
modelEffectSizesCalculates effect size indices based on Sums of Squares
modelErrorsReturns model errors (residuals) from lm object
modelPowerCalculate power for GLM tests
modelPredictionsProvides predicted values for sample or new data. New...
modelR2Model R2, adjusted R2 and F-test
modelRmdReturns a formatted string for stats reporting from a model...
modelSummarysummary of results for lm model
varContrastsSet Factor Contrasts
varDescribeProvides typical descriptive statistics for data frame
varDescribeByProvides common desriptives for dataframe by factor(s)
varMarkdownReturns a formatted string for stats reporting in R Markdown
varOddTests if Numbers are Odd
varPadStringPads a string to fixed length
varParseReturns a subset of digits from a Number
varPlotCreates histogram, optional rug/strip and density plots, and...
varRecodeRecode levels of variable
varRegressorsAdds actual numeric regressors for factor to dataframe as new...
varRenameRename Variable in Dataframe
varReverseReverse score an ordinal or boolean scored item/variable
varScoreCreates a total score from a sum of items
lmSupport documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:14 p.m.