
#' Name of the file containing genotypic (marker scores) information.
#'For this example, a doubled haploid population of 200 individuals was
#'developed by crossing a short line (parent A), with a tall line (parent B).
#'The 200 doubled haploid lines were evaluated in a field trial and the plant
#'height measured in cm (the data is in the file DHpop_pheno.txt).
#'The population was also genotyped by SNPs, and the data is presented in the
#'file DHpop_geno.txt.
#'The map location of each of the markers is in the file DHpop_map.txt.
#' @format A data frame 202 genotypes (200 lines + 2 parents) and 130 markers.

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lmem.qtler documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:46 p.m.