
Defines functions cst

Documented in cst

#' Call stack tree
#' Shows the relationship between calls on the stack. This function
#' combines the results of [sys.calls()] and [sys.parents()] yielding a display
#' that shows how frames on the call stack are related.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # If all evaluation is eager, you get a single tree
#' f <- function() g()
#' g <- function() h()
#' h <- function() cst()
#' f()
#' # You get multiple trees with delayed evaluation
#' try(f())
#' # Pay attention to the first element of each subtree: each
#' # evaluates the outermost call
#' f <- function(x) g(x)
#' g <- function(x) h(x)
#' h <- function(x) x
#' try(f(cst()))
#' # With a little ingenuity you can use it to see how NSE
#' # functions work in base R
#' with(mtcars, {cst(); invisible()})
#' invisible(subset(mtcars, {cst(); cyl == 0}))
#' # You can also get unusual trees by evaluating in frames
#' # higher up the call stack
#' f <- function() g()
#' g <- function() h()
#' h <- function() eval(quote(cst()), parent.frame(2))
#' f()
cst <- function() {
  x <- rlang::trace_back(globalenv())
  print(x, simplify = "none")

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lobstr documentation built on June 23, 2022, 1:05 a.m.