hatmatrix: Weight diagrams and the hat matrix for a local regression...

hatmatrixR Documentation

Weight diagrams and the hat matrix for a local regression model.


hatmatrix() computes the weight diagrams (also known as equivalent or effective kernels) for a local regression smooth. Essentially, hatmatrix() is a front-end to locfit(), setting a flag to compute and return weight diagrams, rather than the fit.


hatmatrix(formula, dc=TRUE, ...)



model formula.


derivative adjustment (see locfit.raw)


Other arguments to locfit and locfit.raw.


A matrix with n rows and p columns; each column being the weight diagram for the corresponding locfit fit point. If ev="data", this is the transpose of the hat matrix.

See Also

locfit, plot.locfit.1d, plot.locfit.2d, plot.locfit.3d, lines.locfit, predict.locfit

locfit documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:08 p.m.

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