Getting Started

knitr::opts_chunk$set( #nolint
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
old <- options(width = 200L)

loggit2 is an easy-to-use, yet powerful, ndjson logger. It is very fast, has zero external dependencies, and can be as straightforward or as integral as you want to make it.


No preparations are needed to use loggit2. However, it is recommended to explicitly set a log file using loggit2::set_logfile("path/to/your/file"), as loggit2 defaults to creating a file in your temporary directory.[^1]

In order to use the full potential of loggit2, it is advisable to take a look at the further configurations after reading this vignette.


There are three ways to populate the log in loggit2. First, through wrapper functions of the base R condition handler, second, via the loggit() log function, and third, by logging (external) expressions using with_loggit().

Each function of these three methods has the parameter echo, which determines whether the log entries should also be echoed to stdout.

Condition Log Handling

loggit2 provides a set of wrappings for base R’s message(), warning(), stop() and stopifnot() functions that maintain identical functionality[^2], except the additional logging. Thus, it is sufficient to import the loggit2 namespace, for example by using library("loggit2"), or by prefixing loggit2:: at the desired locations.

base::message("This is another message")
loggit2::message("This is a message")

base::warning("This is another warning")
loggit2::warning("This is a warning")

base::stop("This is another error")
loggit2::stop("This is an error")

base::stopifnot("This is another condition" = FALSE)
loggit2::stopifnot("This is another condition" = FALSE)

Besides the echo parameter, the functions have an additional parameter .loggit, which allows to deactivate the logging such that the function behaves exactly like the base R equivalents.

loggit2::warning("This is a alternative warning", echo = FALSE)

loggit2::warning("This is not part of the log", .loggit = FALSE)

Click here to see the generated log


Explicit Log Function

loggit2 allows direct access to the core logging function loggit(). This enables setting the log level directly during the call and creating arbitrary fields in the log.

This function does not trigger any conditions; it only populates the log.

loggit2::loggit("INFO", "This is a message", ID = 1L, boole = TRUE)

loggit2::loggit("WARN", "This is a alternative warning", echo = FALSE)

loggit2::loggit("DEBUG", "This is a message", Why = "Because", echo = FALSE)

To allow log levels other than "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN" or "ERROR" the custom_log_lvl parameter must be set.

loggit2::loggit("CRITICAL", "Critical error")

loggit2::loggit("CRITICAL", "Critical error 2", custom_log_lvl = TRUE)

Click here to see the generated log


Log Expressions

One will repeatedly encounter situations where conditions need to be logged from code without wanting to or being able to modify it (e.g., when dealing with functions from external packages). In this case, with_loggit() comes into play. This function allows logging conditions from arbitrary expressions without restricting functionality[^3] or needing to modify the code.

fun_a <- function(x) {
  base::warning("This is a warning")
  base::message("This is a message")
  base::stopifnot("This is true" = 3L == 1L + 2L, "This is not TRUE" = FALSE)

fun_b <- function(x) {
  base::warning("This is a second warning")
  5L + 5L
x <- loggit2::with_loggit(fun_b())
  x <- fun_b()
}, echo = FALSE)

Additionally, with_loggit() allows alternative settings (logfile, echo, etc.) to be used for a specific section of code.

Click here to see the generated log



A log is of little use without the ability to access and modify it. Here are a few possibilities.

Accessing the Log

As seen above, the log can be queried as a data.frame using read_logs().


Alternatively, the log can also be saved as a CSV file using convert_to_csv().


Rotating the Log

To maintain a clear log even in long-running sessions (e.g., in a Shiny app hosted on a server), the log can be restricted to the last n entries using rotate_logs(n).


Click here to see the generated log



Click here to see the generated log



[^1]: This is done to CRAN Repository Policy:

> Packages should not write in the user’s home filespace (including clipboards), nor anywhere else on the file
> system apart from the R session’s temporary directory `[...]`.

[^2]: This means in particular that tryCatch and similar functions can be used as usual.

[^3]: Just like with the direct use of the wrappers for condition handlers, tryCatch and similar mechanisms can be used as usual.

Try the loggit2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

loggit2 documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:31 a.m.