Man pages for logistic4p
Logistic Regression with Misclassification in Dependent Variables

logisticLogistic Regression
logistic4pLogistic Regressions with Misclassification Correction
logistic4p.eLogistic regressions with constrained FP and FN...
logistic4p.fnLogistic Regression Model with FN Misclassification...
logistic4p.fpLogistic Regression with FP Misclassification Correction
logistic4p.fp.fnLogistic Regression with both FP and FN Misclassification...
logistic4p-packageLogistic Regression with Misclassification in Dependent...
nlsyAn example data set
print.logistic4pPrinting Outputs of Logistic Regression with...
logistic4p documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 5:07 p.m.