Man pages for loop
loop decomposition of weighted directed graphs for life cycle analysis, providing flexbile network plotting methods, and analyzing food chain properties in ecology

convertionthis function convert graph matrix form into graph edge form
decompdecompose the weighted graph into directional single...
find.ranksmake food trophic ranks for all the species in the matrix for...
fplotAnother way to plot network structure based on similar vertex...
fplot.foodweba special group graph plot function for food web-style...
gplotmake a plot for directional graph from edge matrix graph form
gplot1plot directed graphs directly from square graph matrix
groupplotA group way to plot network structure based on similar vertex...
groupplot.foodweba special group graph plot function for food web-style...
largest.weightfind out the food chain with largest weights among all food...
lclwfind the largest weight food chain among the candidate...
longest.chainfind out the food chain with longest length among all food...
loop.forwardforward method to decompose the weighted graph into single...
loop-packagean R package for analyzing and plotting directed networks
loop.randoma random method to decompose the weighted graph into single...
mst.primmPrimm's algorithm to search minimum spanning tree
nmds.ordinationperform non-dimensional scaling of the nodes by employing the...
node.similaritycalculate pair similarity of nodes based on the nodes'...
pathwaysenumerate all food chains that are linked to a given...
rank.nodesrank nodes based on the inward links/outward links/both links
shortest.chainfind out the food chain with shortest length among all food...
smallest.weightfind out the food chain with shortest weight among all food...
uniquepathsenumerate all unique food chains that are linked to a given...
loop documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:07 a.m.