Man pages for lpirfs
Local Projections Impulse Response Functions

ag_dataData to estimate fiscal multipliers
create_lagsCompute a data frame with lagged exogenous variables
create_lin_dataCompute data for linear model
create_nl_dataCompute data for nonlinear model with instrument variable...
create_panel_dataPrepare data sets for linear and nonlinear panel model
get_mat_cholCompute structural shock matrix via Cholesky decomposition
get_resids_olsCompute residuals from OLS model
get_robust_cov_panelFunction to get robust covariance matrix for panel data
get_robust_vcxt_panelCreate and returns a function to estimate hc and clustered...
get_std_errCompute standard errors by standard OLS or Newey and West
get_std_err_tslsCompute standard errors for 2SLS
get_vals_lagcritCompute values for lag length criteria
get_vals_switchingCompute values of transition function to separate regimes
get_var_lagcritComputes AICc, AIC and BIC for VAR
hp_filterDecompose a times series via the Hodrick-Prescott filter
interest_rules_var_dataData to estimate the effects of interest rate rules for...
lpirfs_obj-methods-baseBase methods for lpirfs_obj objects
lpirfs-packageLocal Projection Impulse Response Functions
lp_linCompute linear impulse responses
lp_lin_ivCompute linear impulse responses with identified shock and/or...
lp_lin_panelCompute linear impulse responses with local projections for...
lp_nlCompute nonlinear impulse responses
lp_nl_ivCompute nonlinear impulse responses with identified shock
lp_nl_panelCompute nonlinear impulse responses for panel data
monetary_var_dataData to estimate a standard monetary VAR
newey_westCompute OLS parameters and robust standard errors based on...
newey_west_pwCompute Newey-West estimator with prewhitened estimation...
newey_west_tslsCompute 2SLS parameters and robust standard errors based on...
ols_diagnostCompute diagnostics for OLS models
plot_linCompute and display plots of linear impulse responses
plot.lpirfs_lin_iv_objBase print() function to plot all impulse responses from...
plot.lpirfs_lin_objBase print() function to plot all impulse responses from...
plot.lpirfs_lin_panel_objBase print() function to plot all impulse responses from...
plot.lpirfs_nl_iv_objBase print() function to plot all impulse responses from...
plot.lpirfs_nl_objBase print() function to plot all impulse responses from...
plot.lpirfs_nl_panel_objBase print() function to plot all impulse responses from...
plot_nlCompute and display plots of nonlinear impulse responses
summary.lpirfs_lin_iv_objSummary for nonlinear lpirfs object
summary.lpirfs_lin_objSummary for linear lpirfs object
summary.lpirfs_lin_panel_objSummary for nonlinear lpirfs object
summary.lpirfs_nl_iv_objSummary for nonlinear lpirfs object
summary.lpirfs_nl_objSummary for nonlinear lpirfs object
summary.lpirfs_nl_panel_objSummary for nonlinear lpirfs object
var_oneCompute VAR to prewhite estimating functions for Newey West...
lpirfs documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:35 p.m.