Man pages for ltbayes
Simulation-Based Bayesian Inference for Latent Traits of Item Response Models

fmodel1plLatent Trait Posterior of the One-Parameter Binary Logistic...
fmodel1ppLatent Trait Posterior of the One-Parameter Binary Probit...
fmodel2plLatent Trait Posterior of the Two-Parameter Binary Logistic...
fmodel2ppLatent Trait Posterior of the Two-Parameter Binary Probit...
fmodel3plLatent Trait Posterior of the Three-Parameter Binary Logistic...
fmodel3ppLatent Trait Posterior of the Three-Parameter Binary Probit...
fmodel4plLatent Trait Posterior of the Four-Parameter Binary Logistic...
fmodel4ppLatent Trait Posterior of the Four-Parameter Binary Probit...
fmodelgrlLatent Trait Posterior of the Logistic Graded Response Model
fmodelgrpLatent Trait Posterior of the Probit Graded Response Model
fmodelnrmLatent Trait Posterior of the Nominal Response Model
fmodelpcmLatent Trait Posterior for the Partial Credit Model
fmodelrsmLatent Trait Posterior of the Rating Scale Model
fmodelseqLatent Trait Posterior for the Sequential Response Model
informationFisher and Observed Information for an Item Response Model
patternsResponse Patterns for Given Total Score(s)
postmodePosterior Mode of the Posterior Distribution of the Latent...
postsampMCMC Simulation from the Posterior Distribution of the Latent...
posttraceTrace the Profile of the Log-Posterior Distribution of the...
profileciProfile Likelihood Confidence Interval of the Latent Trait of...
ltbayes documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:40 p.m.