
#'@importFrom httr GET user_agent stop_for_status content
oer_query <- function(path, key, args = NULL, ...){
  # Construct URL
  url <- paste0("https://openexchangerates.org/api/", path, "?app_id=", key)
    url <- paste0(url, "&", args)
  # Make request
  result <- httr::GET(url, httr::user_agent("rrency - https://github.com/Ironholds/rrency"))
  # Format result and return it
  result <- httr::content(result)
  if("timestamp" %in% names(result)){
    result$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(result$timestamp, origin="1970-01-01")

#'@title Convert between currencies using the Open Exchange Rates API
#'@description Uses the Open Exchange Rates API to convert a series of amounts between
#'two currencies.
#'@param x a vector of amounts, formatted as integer or numeric values.
#'@param from the currency \code{x} is currently in. US Dollars by default.
#'@param to the currency you \emph{want} \code{x} to be in.
#'@param key your Open Exchange Rates API key. See their \href{https://openexchangerates.org/signup}{access plans}
#'(particularly the 'forever free' plan linked at the bottom).
#'@param ... further arguments to pass to httr's \code{GET} function.
currency_convert <- function(x, from = "USD", to, key, ...){
  # Check the data is integer/numeric
  if(!any(is.numeric(x), is.integer(x))){
    stop("You must provide integer or numeric values. If you have currency strings to convert, see ?from_currency")
  # Request the current conversion rates
  rates <- oer_query("latest.json", key, NULL, ...)
  # Check we have the currency
  conversion_rate <- rates$rates[[to]]
    stop("Conversion to that currency is not supported. See ?list_currencies for what is.")
  # These are going to be coming back in USD. Boo.
  # If the user actually has USD that's fine.
  if(from == "USD"){
    return(x * conversion_rate)
  # Otherwise we need to convert TO USD and then to the currency
  # we want. Ugh.
  intermediary_rate <- rates$rates[[from]]
    stop("Conversion from that currency is not supported. See ?list_currencies for what is.")
  return( (x / intermediary_rate) * conversion_rate)

#'@title Find Supported Currencies
#'@description Generates a list of the currencies supported by \code{\link{currency_convert}}.
#'@param key Your Open Exchange Rates API key. See their \href{https://openexchangerates.org/signup}{access plans}
#'(particularly the 'forever free' plan linked at the bottom).
#'@param as_df Whether to return the results as a data.frame. If not, it will be a named list. Set to FALSE
#'by default.
#'@param ... Further arguments to pass to httr's \code{GET} function.
list_currencies <- function(key, as_df = FALSE, ...){
  results <- oer_query("currencies.json", key, NULL, ...)
    return(data.frame(code = names(results),
                      name = unlist(results),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

#'@title Get Historic Currency Data
#'@description Retrieves historical data about a currency's value and exchange rate,
#'relative to another currency.
#'@param dates a vector of dates to get data for. Strings or date objects.
#'@param currency the currency to use as a baseline. By default this is US Dollars; while it can
#'be changed to other currencies, that does require an 'Enterprise' OER key, and will otherwise
#'@param key Your Open Exchange Rates API key. See their \href{https://openexchangerates.org/signup}{access plans}
#'(particularly the 'forever free' plan linked at the bottom).
#'@param ... Further arguments to pass to httr's \code{GET} function.
historic_currency <- function(dates, currency = "USD", key, ...){
  # Make sure the dates are strings
  dates <- as.character(dates)
  # If there's more than one, recurse.
  if(length(dates) > 1){
    return(lapply(dates, historic_currency, currency = currency, key = key, ...))
  # Otherwise construct a path
  path <- paste0("historical/", dates, ".json")
  # Make the query and return
  if(currency == "USD"){
    args <- NULL
  } else {
    args <- paste0("base=", currency)
  return(oer_query(path, key, args, ...))

#'@title Get Current Conversion Rates
#'@description Get the current conversion rates between various different currencies.
#'@param currency The currency to use as a baseline. By default this is US Dollars; while it can
#'be changed to other currencies, that does require an 'Enterprise' OER key, and will otherwise
#'@param key Your Open Exchange Rates API key. See their \href{https://openexchangerates.org/signup}{access plans}
#'(particularly the 'forever free' plan linked at the bottom).
#'@param ... Further arguments to pass to httr's \code{GET} function.
conversion_rates <- function(currency = "USD", key, ...){
  if(currency == "USD"){
    args <- NULL
  } else {
    args <- paste0("base=", currency)
  return(oer_query(path = "latest.json", key = key, args = args, ...))

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lucr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:02 p.m.