Man pages for maat
Multiple Administrations Adaptive Testing

assessment_structure-classClass 'assessment_structure': assessment structure
boundGradeBound grades within a specified range
changeGradeGrade operator: add or subtract
changePhasePhase operator: move to next phase
changeTestTest operator: move to next phase
createAssessmentStructureCreate an assessment structure
createModuleCreate a single module
examinee-classClass 'examinee': a single examinee
excludeAdministeredItemsUpdate a constraints object to exclude administered items
formatOutputFormat the output of maat
getAdaptivityIndexCalculate adaptivity indices from an examinee list object
getAdministeredItemsPerTestGet administered items per test
getBiasCalculate bias from an examinee list object
getItemExposureRateGet item exposure rates from an examinee list
getItemNamesPerGradeGet item names per grade
getRelativeGradeGrade operator: difference between two grades
getRMSECalculate RMSE from an examinee list object
getSECalculate standard error from an examinee list object
loadModulesLoad multiple modules
maatSimulate multi-stage multi-administration adaptive test
maat-packageMultiple Administrations Adaptive Testing
module-classClass 'module': a module
module_list_mathExample item pools
output_maat-classClass 'output_maat': a simulation output
plot-methodsExtension of plot()
print-methodsExtension of print()
removeItemDataRemove item data from examinee list
show-methodsExtension of show()
simExamineesSimulate an examinee list
simThetaSimulate theta values
updateAssessmentLevelThetaUpdate the assessment-level theta of an examinee object
updateGradeUpdate the grade slot of an examinee object
updateItemDataUpdate the item data slot of an examinee object
updateLogUpdate the routing log of an examinee object
updateModuleUpdate the current module of an examinee object
updatePhaseUpdate the current phase of an examinee object
updateTestUpdate the current test of an examinee object
updateThetaForRoutingUpdate the theta used for routing of an examinee object
updateThetaUsingCombinedUpdate theta estimates using combined responses from a test
maat documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:07 a.m.