formatOutput: Format the output of maat

View source: R/sim_functions.R

formatOutputR Documentation

Format the output of maat


formatOutput is a function for formatting the output examinee object of the function maat for analysis.


formatOutput(examinee_list, digits = 3)



the output from maat.


digits to round theta values. (default = 3)


a data frame containing:

  • p_ID: the person ID.

  • test_phase_ID: the module position. If we have 3 tests with 2 phases in each test then the range of test_phase_ID is 1 to 6.

  • initial_grade: the initial grade of the person.

  • final_grade: the final grade of the person after completing all modules.

  • grade_ID: the grade at the module position.

  • phase_ID: the phase at the module position.

  • test_ID: the test at the module position.

  • module_ID: the module ID at the module position.

  • final_theta_est: the grand final estimated θ after completing all tests.

  • final_SE_est: the standard error of grand final estimated θ after completing all tests.

  • theta_by_phase: the final estimated θ after completing each phase.

  • SE_by_phase: the standard error of final estimated θ after completing each phase.

  • combined: whether items were combined with the previous phase to obtain the theta estimate.

  • true_theta: the true θ in each module position.

  • item_ID: the item IDs of administered items.

  • ncat: the number of categories of administered items.

  • IRT_model: the IRT models of administered items.

  • item_par_1: the first item parameter of each administered item (e.g., for 1PL, this is item difficulty)

  • item_par_2: the second item parameter of each administered item (e.g., for 1PL, this is 'NA')

  • item_resp: the item response on each administered item.

  • momentary_theta: the momentary (interim) θ estimate obtained after each item administration in CAT engine.

  • momentary_SE: the standard error of momentary (interim) θ estimate obtained after each item administration in CAT engine.

maat documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:07 a.m.