Example simulated data used to demonstrate the package...

Description Format


These data were generated using DSsim. Two populations were generated inside a rectangular study region, one of these is called 'CD' (common dolphin) and the other is 'WSD' (white-sided dolphin). Density was assumed to be equal across the study area and the population sizes for the CD and WSD populations were 3000 and 1500, respectively. Detections of individuals were simulated based on half normal detection functions with a scale parameter of 0.5 and a truncation distance of 1. A systematic parallel line transect design was used. Once both sets of data had been generated they were combined and 10 randomly selected to be in the unidentified sightings category.


This is a list of 4 items. The first is a dataframe with distance sampling data including the columns object, transect.ID, distance, x, y, true.species, unid, species, observer. The other items are the region, sample and observations tables as per the definitions in mrds.

mads documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:12 a.m.