

Motivation for the tools inside autoparallel.

Fast Functions

If the function that lapply() calls is fast, then I expect a direct translation to mclapply() will be slower. I expect that one can improve the speed by splitting the lapply call into the number of chunks to match the number of workers and then calling something like mclapply(lapply(...)). This is how the apply transformation works.

Is this always the case? Not if one block of code takes much longer- then there's a load balancing issue and the load balancing tools in the parallel package should probably be used. Random selection of pieces to execute may help in this regard.


x = seq(1e6)

bm1 = microbenchmark(lapply(x, function(xi) NULL), times = 10L)

# Lower quartile 463 ms

bm2 = microbenchmark(parallel::mclapply(x, function(xi) NULL, mc.cores = 2L), times = 10L)

# Lower quartile 499 ms

cl = parallel::makeCluster(2L)

bm3 = microbenchmark(parallel::parLapply(cl, x, function(xi) NULL), times = 10L)

# Lower quartile 552 ms

These times are similar. I just looked at the source of parallel::mclapply and saw that it indeed already does this chunking for efficiency that I had in mind here. And parallel::parLapply even uses parallel::splitIndices.

This implies that it's unnecessary to take any pains to chunk the apply calls as I did previously. Instead I can simply feed them straight in to the corresponding version in parallel.

Loop Reordering

What are necessary and sufficient conditions to be able to run lapply calls in parallel? Can we detect programmatically if they are satisfied?

The lapply calls a function rather than a statement. Most functions called with lapply are probably pure, meaning they have no side effects. This is a sufficient condition to say we can fully reorder statements. But it's stronger than we need. For example, each function could write to a unique file. Then the function is not pure, because it writes to a file, but it may run in parallel, because the files are different.

Data Motion

Related question, how large is too large for movement?

Can we look at the code and prevent data motion? For example:

x = as.list(1:10)
y = Map(function(xi) 2 * xi, x)
sy = Reduce(`+`, y)                 # Push partially to worker
z = Map(function(yi) yi - 3, y)  # Never bring to manager
sz = Reduce(`+`, z)                 # Push to worker

Assume the Reduce function is associative and these data sizes are prohibitively large for moving. Then it would be a win here to split the lapply calls as above and push the Reduce into the workers. z also never needs to come back to the manager.

I thought this example was completely artificial, but looking back at it I realize that it's very similar to the general pattern of ADMM. The difference is that ADMM does iterative updates. Consider section 10 on the abstract implementation for ADMM in Boyd's book. It would be something like:

for(i in 1:N){
    u = Map(mu, u, x, z = z)
    x = Map(mx, u, x, z = z)
    ubar = Reduce(ru, u)
    xbar = Reduce(rx, x)
    z = fz(ubar, xbar)

Statistical Examples

L1 regression using ADMM This is the example that I wanted to use for the traffic data. Followed Boyd's work here. Essentially the algorithm caches a matrix decomposition, reusing it in each iteration. General ADMM follows a scatter / gather pattern with the parallelism, assuming the objective function of x to be minimized can be split into n independent minimizations on x_i, where n is the abstract number of workers.

For simple L1 regression the x updates reduce to a matrix vector multiply which can be expressed with backsolves. It would be quite difficult to improve on a tuned LAPACK backsolve using parallelism. So this example isn't going to work.

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makeParallel documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:40 a.m.