mp_metadata: Get meta data for election programmes

View source: R/manifesto.R

mp_metadataR Documentation

Get meta data for election programmes


Get meta data for election programmes


mp_metadata(ids, apikey = NULL, cache = TRUE)



list of partys (as ids) and dates of elections, paired. Dates must be given either in the date or the edate variable, formatted in the way they are in the main data set in this package (date: as.numeric, YYYYMM, edate: as.Date()), see mp_maindataset Alternatively, ids can be a logical expression specifying a subset of the Manifesto Project's main dataset. It will be evaluated within the data.frame returned by mp_maindataset such that all its variables and functions thereof can be used in the expression.


API key to use. Defaults to NULL, resulting in using the API key set via mp_setapikey.


Boolean flag indicating whether to use locally cached data if available.


Meta data contain information on the available documents for a given party and election date. This information comprises links to the text as well as original documents if available, language, versions checksums and more.


an object of class ManifestoMetadata, subclassing data.frame as well as tbl_df and containing the requested metadata in rows per election programme


## Not run: 
mp_metadata(party == 21221)

wanted <- data.frame(party=c(41320, 41320), date=c(200909, 200509))

## End(Not run)

manifestoR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:02 a.m.