Man pages for mapSpain
Administrative Boundaries of Spain

addProviderEspTilesInclude base tiles of Spanish public administrations on a...
esp_check_accessCheck access to SIANE data
esp_clear_cacheClear your 'mapSpain' cache dir
esp_codelistSpanish Code Translation Data Frame
esp_dictConvert and translate Subdivision Names
esp_get_can_boxGet 'sf' lines and polygons for insetting the Canary Islands
esp_get_capimunGet 'sf' points of the municipalities of Spain
esp_get_ccaaGet Autonomous Communities of Spain as 'sf' polygons and...
esp_get_comarcaGet 'comarcas' of Spain as 'sf' polygons
esp_get_countryGet the borders of Spain as a 'sf' polygon
esp_get_grid_BDNGet 'sf' polygons of the national geographic grids provided...
esp_get_grid_EEAGet 'sf' polygons of the national geographic grids provided...
esp_get_grid_ESDACGet 'sf' polygons of the national geographic grids provided...
esp_get_gridmapGet a 'sf' hexbin or squared polygon of Spain
esp_get_grid_MTNGet 'sf' polygons of the national geographic grids provided...
esp_get_hydrobasinGet 'sf' polygons of the drainage basin demarcations of Spain
esp_get_hypsobathGet 'sf' polygons and lines with the hypsometry and...
esp_get_municGet municipalities of Spain as 'sf' polygons
esp_get_nutsGet NUTS of Spain as 'sf' polygons and points
esp_get_provGet Provinces of Spain as 'sf' polygons and points
esp_get_railwayGet 'sf' lines and points with the railways of Spain
esp_get_riversGet 'sf' polygon and lines of rivers, channels and other...
esp_get_roadsGet 'sf' lines of the roads of Spain
esp_get_simplifiedGet a simplified map of provinces and autonomous communities...
esp_getTilesGet static tiles from public administrations of Spanish.
esp_make_providerCreate a custom tile provider
esp_munic.sfAll Municipalities 'POLYGON' object of Spain (2019)
esp_nuts.sfAll NUTS 'POLYGON' object of Spain
esp_set_cache_dirSet your 'mapSpain' cache dir
esp_tiles_providersList with information of Public WMS and WMTS of Spain
layer_spatrasterDeprecated: Use 'tidyterra::geom_spatraster_rgb()'
leaflet.providersESP.dfPublic WMS and WMTS of Spain
mapSpain-packagemapSpain: Administrative Boundaries of Spain
pobmun19Population by municipality (2019)
mapSpain documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:29 p.m.