esp_get_prov: Get Provinces of Spain as 'sf' 'POLYGON' or 'POINT'

View source: R/esp_get_prov.R

esp_get_provR Documentation

Get Provinces of Spain as sf POLYGON or POINT


Returns provinces of Spain as POLYGON or POINT at a specified scale.

  • esp_get_prov() uses GISCO (Eurostat) as source. Please use giscoR::gisco_attributions()

  • esp_get_prov_siane() uses CartoBase ANE as source, provided by Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN), Years available are 2005 up to today.


esp_get_prov(prov = NULL, moveCAN = TRUE, ...)

  prov = NULL,
  year = Sys.Date(),
  epsg = "4258",
  cache = TRUE,
  update_cache = FALSE,
  cache_dir = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  resolution = "3",
  moveCAN = TRUE,
  rawcols = FALSE



A vector of names and/or codes for provinces or NULL to get all the provinces. See Details.


A logical TRUE/FALSE or a vector of coordinates c(lat, lon). It places the Canary Islands close to Spain's mainland. Initial position can be adjusted using the vector of coordinates. See Displacing the Canary Islands.


Arguments passed on to esp_get_nuts


Type of geometry to be returned:

  • "LB": Labels - POINT object.

  • "RG": Regions - POLYGON object.


Release year. See esp_get_nuts() for esp_get_prov() and Details for esp_get_prov_siane().


projection of the map: 4-digit EPSG code. One of:

  • "4258": ETRS89.

  • "4326": WGS84.

  • "3035": ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA.

  • "3857": Pseudo-Mercator.


A logical whether to do caching. Default is TRUE. See About caching.


A logical whether to update cache. Default is FALSE. When set to TRUE it would force a fresh download of the source file.


A path to a cache directory. See About caching.


Logical, displays information. Useful for debugging, default is FALSE.


Resolution of the POLYGON. Values available are 3, 6.5 or 10.


Logical. Setting this to TRUE would add the raw columns of the resulting object as provided by IGN.


When using prov you can use and mix names and NUTS codes (levels 1, 2 or 3), ISO codes (corresponding to level 2 or 3) or "cpro" (see esp_codelist).

Ceuta and Melilla are considered as provinces on this dataset.

When calling a higher level (Autonomous Community or NUTS1), all the provinces of that level would be added.

On esp_get_prov_siane(), year could be passed as a single year ("YYYY" format, as end of year) or as a specific date ("YYYY-MM-DD" format). Historical information starts as of 2005.


A sf object specified by spatialtype.

About caching

You can set your cache_dir with esp_set_cache_dir().

Sometimes cached files may be corrupt. On that case, try re-downloading the data setting update_cache = TRUE.

If you experience any problem on download, try to download the corresponding .geojson file by any other method and save it on your cache_dir. Use the option verbose = TRUE for debugging the API query.

Displacing the Canary Islands

While moveCAN is useful for visualization, it would alter the actual geographic position of the Canary Islands. When using the output for spatial analysis or using tiles (e.g. with esp_getTiles() or addProviderEspTiles()) this option should be set to FALSE in order to get the actual coordinates, instead of the modified ones. See also esp_move_can() for displacing stand-alone sf objects.


IGN data via a custom CDN (see

See Also

Other political: esp_codelist, esp_get_can_box(), esp_get_capimun(), esp_get_ccaa(), esp_get_comarca(), esp_get_country(), esp_get_gridmap, esp_get_munic(), esp_get_nuts(), esp_get_simpl_prov()


prov <- esp_get_prov()


ggplot(prov) +
  geom_sf() +

# Random Provinces

Random <- esp_get_prov(prov = c(
  "Zamora", "Palencia", "ES-GR",
  "ES521", "01"

ggplot(Random) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = codauto), show.legend = FALSE, alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = hcl.colors(
    nrow(Random), "Spectral"
  )) +

# All Provinces of a Zone plus an addition

Mix <- esp_get_prov(prov = c(
  "Castilla y Leon", "La Rioja"

Mix$CCAA <- esp_dict_region_code(
  origin = "codauto"

ggplot(Mix) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = CCAA), alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_fill_discrete(type = hcl.colors(5, "Temps")) +

# ISO codes available

allprovs <- esp_get_prov()

ggplot(allprovs) +
  geom_sf(fill = NA) +
  geom_sf_text(aes(label = iso2.prov.code),
    check_overlap = TRUE,
    fontface = "bold"
  ) +

mapSpain documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:23 p.m.