mts_validate_recipe: Validate a Mapbox Tiling Service recipe

View source: R/mts.R

mts_validate_recipeR Documentation

Validate a Mapbox Tiling Service recipe


Validate a Mapbox Tiling Service recipe


mts_validate_recipe(recipe, access_token = NULL)



A recipe list, created with mts_make_recipe()


Your Mapbox access token.


A response from the API indicating whether the MTS recipe is valid or not. If the recipe is valid, returns TRUE, allowing you to use the output of this function for error handling pipelines. If the recipe is invalid, the function returns FALSE and prints the API response telling you why the recipe is invalid.

See Also


## Not run: 
options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)

# Get the national data on median age
us_median_age_tract <- get_acs(
  geography = "tract",
  variables = "B01002_001",
  state = c(, "DC"),
  year = 2020,
  geometry = TRUE

# Get it for counties as well
us_median_age_county <- get_acs(
  geography = "county",
  variables = "B01002_001",
  year = 2020,
  geometry = TRUE

# Create a source from the datasets
mts_create_source(data = us_median_age_tract,
                  tileset_id = "us_median_age_tract",
                  username = "your_mapbox_username")

mts_create_source(data = us_median_age_county,
                  tileset_id = "us_median_age_county",
                  username = "your_mapbox_username")

# Build out the recipe.  First, create a recipe layer with
# appropriate options.  We'll want a larger tile size and to restrict the minzoom
# to 4; a maxzoom of 12 will be fine as we can overzoom beyond that
# Your source ID will be returned by `mts_create_source()`, so use that value
tract_layer <- recipe_layer(
  source = "mapbox://tileset-source/your_mapbox_username/us_median_age_tract",
  minzoom = 4,
  maxzoom = 12,
  tiles = tile_options(layer_size = 2500)

county_layer <- recipe_layer(
  source = "mapbox://tileset-source/your_mapbox_username/us_median_age_county",
  minzoom = 2,
  maxzoom = 5

recipe <- mts_make_recipe(tracts = tract_layer, counties = county_layer)

# Validate the recipe

# Create a tileset from the recipe
mts_create_tileset(tileset_name = "median_age_acs",
                   username = "your_mapbox_username",
                   recipe = recipe)

# Publish the tileset
mts_publish_tileset(tileset_name = "median_age_acs",
                    username = "your_mapbox_username")

# If necessary, update the recipe
mts_update_recipe(tileset_name = "median_age_acs",
                  username = "your_mapbox_username",
                  recipe = new_recipe)

# Publish the tileset again after you've updated the recipe
mts_publish_tileset(tileset_name = "median_age_acs",
                    username = "your_mapbox_username")

## End(Not run)

mapboxapi documentation built on Sept. 21, 2024, 1:06 a.m.