
Defines functions MAPI_EstimateHalfwidth

Documented in MAPI_EstimateHalfwidth

#' @title Function MAPI_EstimateHalfwidth
#' @export
#' @description This function computes the side length (= halfwidth) of the hexagonal cells. Halfwidth value can be further used to build a MAPI grid.
#' @param samples a data.frame with names and geographical coordinates of samples. Column names must be: 'ind', 'x', 'y'.  
#'   Optional column 'errRad' with an error radius for sample locations (eg. GPS uncertainty). 
#'   Coordinates must be projected (not latitude/longitude).
#' @param crs coordinate reference system: integer with the EPSG code, or character with proj4string. 
#'   The coordinates system must be a projection, not latitude/longitude.
#' @param beta A value depending on spatial regularity of sampling: 0.5 for regular sampling, 0.25 for random sampling (Hengl, 2006).
#' @details 
#' \eqn{h_w = \frac{\beta \sqrt{A/N}}{\sqrt{2.5980}}}{hw = p / sqrt(2.5980) with p = beta * sqrt(A/N)}, where A is the study area (convex hull of sampling points) and N the number of samples. 
#' Parameter beta allows to respect the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem depending on sampling regularity.
#' @return halfwidth cell value (side length of hexagonal cells). 
#' @examples
#' data(samples)
#' # Computes hexagonal cell halfwidth for the 'samples' dataset using beta=0.5
#' hw <- MAPI_EstimateHalfwidth(samples, beta=0.5)
#' @references
#' Hengl, T. (2006) Finding the right pixel size. Computers & Geosciences, 32, 1283--1298.

MAPI_EstimateHalfwidth <- function(samples, crs, beta=0.25) {
  samples2 <- sf::st_as_sf(samples, coords=c("x", "y"), crs=crs)
  A <- sf::st_area(sf::st_convex_hull(sf::st_union(samples2$geometry)))
  A <- as.double(A)
  N <- nrow(samples)
  p <- beta*sqrt(A/N)
  hw <- p/sqrt(2.5980) # 2.598076211 but rounded for compatibility with previous SQL version
  message(sprintf("Estimated halfwidth: %f", hw))

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mapi documentation built on Jan. 19, 2022, 5:06 p.m.