
Defines functions leg_cont

leg_cont <- function(pos = "left",
                     pal = "Inferno",
                     title = "Legend Title",
                     title_cex = .8 * size,
                     val_cex = .6 * size,
                     val_rnd = 0,
                     col_na = "white",
                     no_data = FALSE,
                     no_data_txt = "No Data",
                     frame = FALSE,
                     frame_border = fg,
                     box_border = "#333333",
                     bg = "#f7f7f7",
                     fg = "#333333",
                     size = 1,
                     box_cex = c(1, 1),
                     horiz = FALSE,
                     return_bbox = FALSE,
                     mar = par("mar"),
                     adj = c(0, 0)) {
  box_cex <- eval(box_cex)
  pal <- eval(pal)
  if (length(pal) != 1) {
    pal <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors = c(pal))(100)
  } else {
    pal <- hcl.colors(n = 100, palette = pal, rev = TRUE)
  val <- val_cont(val, val_rnd)
  box_cex[1] <- box_cex[1] * .4
  box_cex[2] <- box_cex[2] * .05

    type = "choro", val = val, pos = pos, pal = pal, title = title,
    title_cex = title_cex,
    val_cex = val_cex, val_rnd = val_rnd, col_na = col_na, no_data = no_data,
    no_data_txt = no_data_txt, frame = frame, box_border = NA, bg = bg,
    fg = fg, frame_border = frame_border,
    size = size, box_cex = box_cex, horiz = horiz,
    return_bbox = return_bbox, mar = mar, adj = adj

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maplegend documentation built on Oct. 18, 2023, 5:10 p.m.