mf_map: Plot a map

View source: R/mf_map.R

mf_mapR Documentation

Plot a map


mf_map() is the main function of the package, it displays map layers on a georeferenced plot.

mf_map() has three main arguments:

  • x, an sf object;

  • var, the name(s) of a variable(s) to map;

  • type, the map layer type.

Many parameters are available to fine tune symbologies and legends.

Relevant arguments and default values are different for each map type and are described in the "Details" section.


mf_map(x, var, type = "base",
       breaks, nbreaks, pal, alpha, rev, inches, val_max, symbol, col,
       lwd_max, val_order, pch, cex, border, lwd, col_na, cex_na, pch_na,
       expandBB, add,
       leg_pos, leg_title, leg_title_cex, leg_val_cex, leg_val_rnd,
       leg_no_data, leg_frame, leg_frame_border, leg_horiz, leg_adj, leg_bg,
       leg_fg, leg_size, leg_border, leg_box_border, leg_box_cex, ...)



object of class sf or sfc


name(s) of the variable(s) to plot

  • base: base maps

  • prop: proportional symbols maps

  • choro: choropleth maps

  • typo: typology maps

  • symb: symbols maps

  • grad: graduated symbols maps

  • prop_choro: proportional symbols maps with symbols colors based on a quantitative data classification

  • prop_typo: proportional symbols maps with symbols colors based on qualitative data

  • symb_choro: symbols maps with symbols colors based on a quantitative data classification


either a numeric vector with the actual breaks, or a classification method name (see mf_get_breaks and Details)


number of classes


a set of colors or a palette name (from hcl.colors)


if pal is a hcl.colors palette name, the alpha-transparency level in the range [0,1]


if pal is a hcl.colors palette name, whether the ordering of the colors should be reversed (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


size of the biggest symbol (radius for circles, half width for squares) in inches.


maximum value used for proportional symbols


type of symbols, 'circle' or 'square'




line width of the largest line


values order, a character vector that matches var modalities


point type


point size


border color


border width


color for missing values


cex (point size) for NA values


pch (point type) for NA values


fractional values to expand the bounding box with, in each direction (bottom, left, top, right)


whether to add the layer to an existing plot (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


position of the legend, one of 'topleft', 'top','topright', 'right', 'bottomright', 'bottom', 'bottomleft', 'left' or a vector of two coordinates in map units (c(x, y)). If leg_pos = NA then the legend is not plotted. If leg_pos = 'interactive' click onthe map to choose the legend position.


legend title


size of the legend title


size of the values in the legend


number of decimal places of the values in the legend


label for missing values


whether to add a frame to the legend (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


border color of the legend frame


display the legend horizontally (for proportional symbols and choropleth types)


adjust the postion of the legend in x and y directions


color of the legend backgournd


color of the legend foreground


size of the legend; 2 means two times bigger


symbol border color(s)


border color of legend boxes


width and height size expansion of boxes


further parameters from plot for sfc objects


Relevant arguments and default values for each map types:

base: displays sf objects geometries.

mf_map(x, col = "grey80", pch = 20, cex = 1, border = "grey20", lwd = 0.7,
       expandBB, add = FALSE, ...)

prop: displays symbols with areas proportional to a quantitative variable (stocks). inches is used to set symbols sizes.

mf_map(x, var, type = "prop", inches = 0.3, val_max, symbol = "circle",
       col = "tomato4", lwd_max = 20, border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       lwd = 0.7, expandBB, add = TRUE,
       leg_pos = mf_get_leg_pos(x), leg_title = var,
       leg_title_cex = 0.8, leg_val_cex = 0.6, leg_val_rnd = 0,
       leg_frame = FALSE, leg_frame_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_horiz = FALSE, leg_adj = c(0, 0),
       leg_bg = getOption(""), leg_fg = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_size = 1)

choro: areas are shaded according to the variation of a quantitative variable. Choropleth maps are used to represent ratios or indices. nbreaks, and breaks allow to set the variable classification. Colors palettes, defined with pal, can be created with mf_get_pal() or can use palette names from hcl.pals().

mf_map(x, var, type = "choro", breaks = "quantile", nbreaks, pal = "Mint",
       alpha = 1, rev = FALSE, pch = 21, cex = 1,
       border = getOption("mapsf.fg"), lwd = 0.7, col_na = "white",
       cex_na = 1, pch_na = 4, expandBB, add = FALSE,
       leg_pos = mf_get_leg_pos(x), leg_title = var, leg_title_cex = 0.8,
       leg_val_cex = 0.6, leg_val_rnd = 2, leg_no_data = "No data",
       leg_frame = FALSE, leg_frame_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_horiz = FALSE, leg_adj = c(0, 0), leg_bg = getOption(""),
       leg_fg = getOption("mapsf.fg"), leg_size = 1,
       leg_box_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"), leg_box_cex = c(1, 1))

typo: displays a typology map of a qualitative variable. val_order is used to set modalities order in the legend.

mf_map(x, var, type = "typo", pal = "Dynamic", alpha = 1, rev = FALSE,
       val_order,border = getOption("mapsf.fg"), pch = 21, cex = 1,
       lwd = 0.7, cex_na = 1, pch_na = 4, col_na = "white",
       leg_pos = mf_get_leg_pos(x), leg_title = var, leg_title_cex = 0.8,
       leg_val_cex = 0.6, leg_no_data = "No data", leg_frame = FALSE,
       leg_frame_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"), leg_adj = c(0, 0),
       leg_size = 1, leg_box_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_box_cex = c(1, 1), leg_fg = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_bg = getOption(""), add = FALSE)

symb: displays the different modalities of a qualitative variable as symbols.

mf_map(x, var, type = "symb", pal = "Dynamic", alpha = 1, rev = FALSE,
       border = getOption("mapsf.fg"), pch, cex = 1, lwd = 0.7,
       col_na = "grey", pch_na = 4, cex_na = 1, val_order,
       leg_pos = mf_get_leg_pos(x), leg_title = var, leg_title_cex = 0.8,
       leg_val_cex = 0.6, leg_val_rnd = 2, leg_no_data = "No data",
       leg_frame = FALSE, leg_frame_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_adj = c(0, 0), leg_fg = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_bg = getOption(""), leg_size = 1, add = TRUE)

grad: displays graduated symbols. Sizes classes are set with breaks and nbreaks. Symbol sizes are set with cex.

mf_map(x, var, type = "grad", breaks = "quantile", nbreaks = 3, col = "tomato4",
       border = getOption("mapsf.fg"), pch = 21, cex, lwd,
       leg_pos = mf_get_leg_pos(x), leg_title = var, leg_title_cex = 0.8,
       leg_val_cex = 0.6, leg_val_rnd = 2, leg_frame = FALSE,
       leg_adj = c(0, 0), leg_size = 1, leg_border = border,
       leg_box_cex = c(1, 1), leg_fg = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_bg = getOption(""), leg_frame_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       add = TRUE)

prop_choro: displays symbols with sizes proportional to values of a first variable and colored to reflect the classification of a second quantitative variable.

mf_map(x, var, type = "prop_choro", inches = 0.3, val_max, symbol = "circle",
       pal = "Mint", alpha = 1, rev = FALSE, breaks = "quantile", nbreaks,
       border = getOption("mapsf.fg"), lwd = 0.7, col_na = "white",
       leg_pos = mf_get_leg_pos(x, 1), leg_title = var,
       leg_title_cex = c(0.8, 0.8), leg_val_cex = c(0.6, 0.6),
       leg_val_rnd = c(0, 2), leg_no_data = "No data",
       leg_frame = c(FALSE, FALSE), leg_frame_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_horiz = c(FALSE, FALSE), leg_adj = c(0, 0),
       leg_fg = getOption("mapsf.fg"), leg_bg = getOption(""),
       leg_size = 1, leg_box_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_box_cex = c(1, 1), add = TRUE)

prop_typo: displays symbols with sizes proportional to values of a first variable and colored to reflect the modalities of a second qualitative variable.

mf_map(x, var, type = "prop_typo", inches = 0.3, val_max, symbol = "circle",
       pal = "Dynamic", alpha = 1, rev = FALSE, val_order,
       border = getOption("mapsf.fg"), lwd = 0.7, lwd_max = 15,
       col_na = "white",
       leg_pos = mf_get_leg_pos(x, 1), leg_title = var,
       leg_title_cex = c(0.8, 0.8), leg_val_cex = c(0.6, 0.6),
       leg_val_rnd = c(0), leg_no_data = "No data", leg_frame = c(FALSE, FALSE),
       leg_frame_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"), leg_horiz = FALSE,
       leg_adj = c(0, 0), leg_fg = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_bg = getOption(""), leg_size = 1,
       leg_box_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"), leg_box_cex = c(1, 1),
       add = TRUE)

symb_choro: displays the different modalities of a first qualitative variable as symbols colored to reflect the classification of a second quantitative variable.

mf_map(x, var, type = "symb_choro", pal = "Mint", alpha = 1, rev = FALSE,
       breaks = "quantile", nbreaks, border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       pch, cex = 1, lwd = 0.7, pch_na = 4, cex_na = 1, col_na = "white",
       leg_pos = mf_get_leg_pos(x, 1), leg_title = var,
       leg_title_cex = c(0.8, 0.8), leg_val_cex = c(0.6, 0.6),
       leg_val_rnd = 2, leg_no_data = c("No data", "No data"),
       leg_frame = c(FALSE, FALSE), leg_frame_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_horiz = FALSE, leg_adj = c(0, 0), leg_fg = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
       leg_bg = getOption(""), leg_size = 1,
       leg_box_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"), leg_box_cex = c(1, 1),
       add = TRUE)

Class boundaries

Breaks defined by a numeric vector or a classification method are left-closed: breaks defined by c(2, 5, 10, 15, 20) will be mapped as [2 - 5[, [5 - 10[, [10 - 15[, [15 - 20].


x is (invisibly) returned.


mtq <- mf_get_mtq()
# basic examples
# type = "base"
# type = "prop"
mf_map(mtq, var = "POP", type = "prop")
# type = "choro"
mf_map(mtq, var = "MED", type = "choro")
# type = "typo"
mf_map(mtq, "STATUS", "typo")
# type = "symb"
mf_map(mtq, "STATUS", "symb")
# type = "grad"
mf_map(mtq, var = "POP", type = "grad")
# type = "prop_choro"
mf_map(mtq, var = c("POP", "MED"), type = "prop_choro")
# type = "prop_typo"
mf_map(mtq, var = c("POP", "STATUS"), type = "prop_typo")
# type = "symb_choro
mf_map(mtq, var = c("STATUS", "MED"), type = "symb_choro")

# detailed examples
# type = "base"
mf_map(mtq, type = "base", col = "lightblue", lwd = 1.5, lty = 2)

# type = "prop"
  x = mtq, var = "POP", type = "prop",
  inches = .4, symbol = "circle", val_max = 90000,
  col = "lightblue", border = "grey", lwd = 1,
  leg_pos = "right", leg_title = "Population",
  leg_title_cex = 1, leg_val_cex = .8, leg_val_rnd = 0,
  leg_frame = TRUE, add = TRUE

# type = "choro"
mtq[6, "MED"] <- NA
  x = mtq, var = "MED", type = "choro",
  col_na = "grey80", pal = "Cividis",
  breaks = "quantile", nbreaks = 4, border = "white",
  lwd = .5, leg_pos = "topleft",
  leg_title = "Median Income", leg_title_cex = 1.1,
  leg_val_cex = 1, leg_val_rnd = -2, leg_no_data = "No data",
  leg_frame = TRUE, leg_adj = c(0, -3)

# type = "typo"
mtq[4, "STATUS"] <- NA
  x = mtq, var = "STATUS", type = "typo",
  pal = c("red", "blue", "yellow"), lwd = 1.1,
  val_order = c("Prefecture", "Sub-prefecture", "Simple municipality"),
  col_na = "green", border = "brown",
  leg_pos = "bottomleft",
  leg_title = "Status", leg_title_cex = 1.1,
  leg_val_cex = 1, leg_no_data = "No data",
  leg_frame = TRUE, add = FALSE

# type = "symb"
  x = mtq, var = "STATUS", type = "symb",
  pch = c(21:23), pal = c("red1", "tan1", "khaki1"),
  border = "grey20", cex = c(2, 1.5, 1), lwd = .5,
  val_order = c("Prefecture", "Sub-prefecture", "Simple municipality"),
  pch_na = 24, col_na = "blue", leg_frame = TRUE

# type = "grad"
  x = mtq, var = "POP", type = "grad",
  pch = 22, breaks = "quantile", nbreaks = 4, lwd = 2, border = "blue",
  cex = c(.75, 1.5, 3, 5), col = "lightgreen"

# type = "prop_choro"
  x = mtq, var = c("POP", "MED"), type = "prop_choro",
  inches = .35, border = "tomato4",
  val_max = 90000, symbol = "circle", col_na = "white", pal = "Cividis",
  breaks = "equal", nbreaks = 4, lwd = 4,
  leg_pos = "bottomleft",
  leg_title = c("Population", "Median Income"),
  leg_title_cex = c(0.8, 1),
  leg_val_cex = c(.7, .9),
  leg_val_rnd = c(0, 0),
  leg_no_data = "No data",
  leg_frame = c(TRUE, TRUE),
  add = TRUE

# type = "prop_typo"
  x = mtq, var = c("POP", "STATUS"), type = "prop_typo",
  inches = .35, border = "tomato4",
  val_max = 90000, symbol = "circle", col_na = "white", pal = "Dynamic",
  lwd = 2,
  leg_pos = c("bottomright", "bottomleft"),
  leg_title = c("Population", "Municipality\nstatus"),
  leg_title_cex = c(0.9, 0.9),
  leg_val_cex = c(.7, .7),
  val_order = c("Prefecture", "Sub-prefecture", "Simple municipality"),
  leg_no_data = "No dada",
  leg_frame = c(TRUE, TRUE),
  add = TRUE

# type = "symb_choro"
  x = mtq, c("STATUS", "MED"), type = "symb_choro",
  pal = "Reds 3", breaks = "quantile", nbreaks = 4,
  pch = 21:23, cex = c(3, 2, 1),
  pch_na = 25, cex_na = 1.5, col_na = "blue",
  val_order = c(
    "Simple municipality"

mapsf documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 5:07 p.m.