snapPointsToLines: Snap a set of points to a set of lines

View source: R/point_line_distance.R

snapPointsToLinesR Documentation

Snap a set of points to a set of lines


This function snaps a set of points to a set of lines based on the minimum distance of each point to any of the lines. This function does not work with geographic coordinates.


snapPointsToLines(points, lines, maxDist=NA, withAttrs = TRUE, idField=NA)



An object of the class SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame.


An object of the class SpatialLines or SpatialLinesDataFrame.


Numeric value for establishing a maximum distance to avoid snapping points that are farther apart; its default value is NA.


Boolean value for preserving (TRUE) or getting rid (FALSE) of the original point attributes. Default: TRUE. This parameter is optional.


A string specifying the field which contains each line's id. This id will be transferred to the snapped points data set to distinguish the line which each point was snapped to.


SpatialPointsDataFrame object as defined by the R package 'sp'. This object contains the snapped points, therefore all of them lie on the lines.


German Carrillo and Ethan Plunkett

See Also

nearestPointOnSegment, nearestPointOnLine, sp


# From the sp vignette
l1 = cbind(c(1,2,3),c(3,2,2))
l1a = cbind(l1[,1]+.05,l1[,2]+.05)
l2 = cbind(c(1,2,3),c(1,1.5,1))
Sl1 = Line(l1)
Sl1a = Line(l1a)
Sl2 = Line(l2)
S1 = Lines(list(Sl1, Sl1a), ID="a")
S2 = Lines(list(Sl2), ID="b")
Sl = SpatialLines(list(S1,S2))
df = data.frame(z = c(1,2), row.names=sapply(slot(Sl, "lines"), function(x) slot(x, "ID")))
Sldf = SpatialLinesDataFrame(Sl, data = df)

xc = c(1.2,1.5,2.5)
yc = c(1.5,2.2,1.6)
Spoints = SpatialPoints(cbind(xc, yc))

if (rgeosStatus()) snapPointsToLines(Spoints, Sldf, maxDist=0.4)

maptools documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:38 p.m.