Man pages for marginaleffects
Predictions, Comparisons, Slopes, Marginal Means, and Hypothesis Tests

comparisonsComparisons Between Predictions Made With Different Regressor...
complete_levelsCreate a data.frame with all factor or character levels
datagridData grids
datagridcfDeprecated function
deltamethodDeprecated function
expect_margins'tinytest' helper
expect_predictions'tinytest' helper
expect_slopes'tinytest' helper
get_coefGet a named vector of coefficients from a model object...
get_group_namesGet levels of the outcome variable in grouped or multivariate...
get_model_matrixGet a named model matrix
get_predictGet predicted values from a model object (internal function)
get_varcov_argsTake a 'summary()' style 'vcov' argument and convert it to...
get_vcovGet a named variance-covariance matrix from a model object...
hypotheses(Non-)Linear Tests for Null Hypotheses, Joint Hypotheses,...
inferences(EXPERIMENTAL) Bootstrap, Conformal, and Simulation-Based...
knit_print.marginaleffectsPrint a marginaleffects object in knitr
marginaleffectsDeprecated function
marginalmeansDeprecated function
marginal_meansDeprecated function
meffectsDeprecated function
plot_comparisonsPlot Conditional or Marginal Comparisons
plot_predictionsPlot Conditional or Marginal Predictions
plot_slopesPlot Conditional or Marginal Slopes
posteriordraws'posteriordraws()' is an alias to 'posterior_draws()'
posterior_drawsExtract Posterior Draws or Bootstrap Resamples from...
print.marginaleffectsPrint 'marginaleffects' objects
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
sanitize_model_specificMethod to raise model-specific warnings and errors
set_coefInternal function to set coefficients
slopesSlopes (aka Partial derivatives, Marginal Effects, or Trends)
specify_hypothesis(EXPERIMENTAL) Complex aggregation and test functions for the...
marginaleffects documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:03 a.m.