

               key         field           author                 title
  1        article       article      Peter Adams The title of the work
  2           book          book  Peter Babington The title of the work
  3        booklet       booklet     Peter Caxton The title of the work
  4     conference    conference     Peter Draper The title of the work
  5         inbook        inbook      Peter Eston The title of the work
  6   incollection  incollection   Peter Farindon The title of the work
  7         manual        manual  Peter Gainsford The title of the work
  8  mastersthesis mastersthesis    Peter Harwood The title of the work
  9           misc          misc      Peter Isley The title of the work
  10     phdthesis     phdthesis     Peter Joslin The title of the work
  11   proceedings   proceedings             <NA> The title of the work
  12    techreport    techreport    Peter Lambert The title of the work
  13   unpublished   unpublished Peter Marcheford The title of the work
                     journal year number   pages month             note volume
  1  The name of the journal 1993      2 201-213     7 An optional note      4
  2                     <NA> 1993   <NA>    <NA>     7 An optional note      4
  3                     <NA> 1993   <NA>    <NA>     7 An optional note   <NA>
  4                     <NA> 1993   <NA>     213     7 An optional note      4
  5                     <NA> 1993   <NA> 201-213     7 An optional note      4
  6                     <NA> 1993   <NA> 201-213     7 An optional note      4
  7                     <NA> 1993   <NA>    <NA>     7 An optional note   <NA>
  8                     <NA> 1993   <NA>    <NA>     7 An optional note   <NA>
  9                     <NA> 1993   <NA>    <NA>     7 An optional note   <NA>
  10                    <NA> 1993   <NA>    <NA>     7 An optional note   <NA>
  11                    <NA> 1993   <NA>    <NA>     7 An optional note      4
  12                    <NA> 1993      2    <NA>     7 An optional note   <NA>
  13                    <NA> 1993   <NA>    <NA>     7 An optional note   <NA>
                     publisher series                      address edition
  1                       <NA>   <NA>                         <NA>    <NA>
  2  The name of the publisher     10                  The address       3
  3                       <NA>   <NA> The address of the publisher    <NA>
  4              The publisher      5 The address of the publisher    <NA>
  5  The name of the publisher      5 The address of the publisher       3
  6  The name of the publisher      5 The address of the publisher       3
  7                       <NA>   <NA> The address of the publisher       3
  8                       <NA>   <NA> The address of the publisher    <NA>
  9                       <NA>   <NA>                         <NA>    <NA>
  10                      <NA>   <NA> The address of the publisher    <NA>
  11 The name of the publisher      5 The address of the publisher    <NA>
  12                      <NA>   <NA> The address of the publisher    <NA>
  13                      <NA>   <NA>                         <NA>    <NA>
           isbn         howpublished             booktitle         editor
  1        <NA>                 <NA>                  <NA>           <NA>
  2  3257227892                 <NA>                  <NA>           <NA>
  3        <NA> How it was published                  <NA>           <NA>
  4        <NA>                 <NA> The title of the book     The editor
  5        <NA>                 <NA>                  <NA>           <NA>
  6        <NA>                 <NA> The title of the book     The editor
  7        <NA>                 <NA>                  <NA>           <NA>
  8        <NA>                 <NA>                  <NA>           <NA>
  9        <NA> How it was published                  <NA>           <NA>
  10       <NA>                 <NA>                  <NA>           <NA>
  11       <NA>                 <NA>                  <NA> Peter Kidwelly
  12       <NA>                 <NA>                  <NA>           <NA>
  13       <NA>                 <NA>                  <NA>           <NA>
         organization chapter                   school
  1              <NA>    <NA>                     <NA>
  2              <NA>    <NA>                     <NA>
  3              <NA>    <NA>                     <NA>
  4  The organization    <NA>                     <NA>
  5              <NA>       8                     <NA>
  6              <NA>       8                     <NA>
  7  The organization    <NA>                     <NA>
  8              <NA>    <NA> The school of the thesis
  9              <NA>    <NA>                     <NA>
  10             <NA>    <NA> The school of the thesis
  11 The organization    <NA>                     <NA>
  12             <NA>    <NA>                     <NA>
  13             <NA>    <NA>                     <NA>
  1                            <NA>
  2                            <NA>
  3                            <NA>
  4                            <NA>
  5                            <NA>
  6                            <NA>
  7                            <NA>
  8                            <NA>
  9                            <NA>
  10                           <NA>
  11                           <NA>
  12 The institution that published
  13                           <NA>
  article ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    field      article
    author     Peter Adams
    title      The title of the work
    journal    The name of the journal
    year       1993
    number     2
    pages      201-213
    month      7
    note       An optional note
    volume     4

  book ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    field        book
    author       Peter Babington
    title        The title of the work
    publisher    The name of the publisher
    year         1993
    volume       4
    series       10
    address      The address
    edition      3
    month        7
    note         An optional note
    isbn         3257227892

  booklet ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    field           booklet
    title           The title of the work
    author          Peter Caxton
    howpublished    How it was published
    address         The address of the publisher
    month           7
    year            1993
    note            An optional note

  conference ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    field           conference
    author          Peter Draper
    title           The title of the work
    booktitle       The title of the book
    year            1993
    editor          The editor
    volume          4
    series          5
    pages           213
    address         The address of the publisher
    month           7
    organization    The organization
    publisher       The publisher
    note            An optional note

  inbook -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    field        inbook
    author       Peter Eston
    title        The title of the work
    chapter      8
    pages        201-213
    publisher    The name of the publisher
    year         1993
    volume       4
    series       5
    address      The address of the publisher
    edition      3
    month        7
    note         An optional note

  incollection -------------------------------------------------------------------
    field        incollection
    author       Peter Farindon
    title        The title of the work
    booktitle    The title of the book
    publisher    The name of the publisher
    year         1993
    editor       The editor
    volume       4
    series       5
    chapter      8
    pages        201-213
    address      The address of the publisher
    edition      3
    month        7
    note         An optional note

  manual -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    field           manual
    title           The title of the work
    author          Peter Gainsford
    organization    The organization
    address         The address of the publisher
    edition         3
    month           7
    year            1993
    note            An optional note

  mastersthesis ------------------------------------------------------------------
    field      mastersthesis
    author     Peter Harwood
    title      The title of the work
    school     The school of the thesis
    year       1993
    address    The address of the publisher
    month      7
    note       An optional note

  misc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    field           misc
    author          Peter Isley
    title           The title of the work
    howpublished    How it was published
    month           7
    year            1993
    note            An optional note

  phdthesis ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    field      phdthesis
    author     Peter Joslin
    title      The title of the work
    school     The school of the thesis
    year       1993
    address    The address of the publisher
    month      7
    note       An optional note

  proceedings --------------------------------------------------------------------
    field           proceedings
    title           The title of the work
    year            1993
    editor          Peter Kidwelly
    volume          4
    series          5
    address         The address of the publisher
    month           7
    organization    The organization
    publisher       The name of the publisher
    note            An optional note

  techreport ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    field          techreport
    author         Peter Lambert
    title          The title of the work
    institution    The institution that published
    year           1993
    number         2
    address        The address of the publisher
    month          7
    note           An optional note

  unpublished --------------------------------------------------------------------
    field     unpublished
    author    Peter Marcheford
    title     The title of the work
    note      An optional note
    month     7
    year      1993
  key        article
  field      article
  author     Peter Adams
  title      The title of the work
  journal    The name of the journal
  year       1993
  number     2
  pages      201-213
  month      7
  note       An optional note
  volume     4

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