
Defines functions markdownToHTML renderMarkdown

Documented in markdownToHTML renderMarkdown

#' Functions in \pkg{markdown} before `v1.3`.
#' These functions are kept in this package for backward-compatibility. They
#' will not be removed in the foreseeable future, although we recommend that you
#' use their new names instead: `renderMarkdown()` has become [mark()], and
#' `markdownToHTML()` has become [mark_html()].
#' @param file,output,...,options,template Arguments to be passed to new
#'   functions.
#' @param title,stylesheet,header Arguments to be passed to `meta = list(title =
#'   , css = , `header-includes` = )`, which is passed to [mark_html()].
#' @param fragment.only Whether to generate a fragment or a full HTML document.
#' @param encoding Ignored.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
renderMarkdown = function(file = NULL, output = NULL, ...) mark(file, output = output, ...)

#' @rdname renderMarkdown
#' @export
markdownToHTML = function(
  file = NULL, output = NULL, ..., options = getOption('markdown.HTML.options'),
  title = NULL, stylesheet = getOption('markdown.HTML.stylesheet'),
  header = getOption('markdown.HTML.header'),
  template = getOption('markdown.HTML.template', TRUE),
  fragment.only = FALSE, encoding = 'UTF-8'
) {
  if (fragment.only || 'fragment_only' %in% options) template = FALSE
  meta = list()
  meta$css = stylesheet
  meta$title = title
  meta$`header-includes` = header
  mark_html(file, output = output, ..., options = options, template = template, meta = meta)

Try the markdown package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

markdown documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:40 a.m.