
# library(RUnit)
# library(devtools)

############################################### get user details lcoally
username <- scan(file="~/mb_user_name.txt",what="raw")
password  <- scan(file="~/mb_pwd.txt",what="raw")

############################################### login
### this is a unit test for the login function
session_details <- mb_login(username,password)

test_that("Login works OK", {
  expect_equal(session_details$status_code, 200)

############################################### logout
### this is a unit test for the logout function
log_out <- mb_logout(session_details)
test_that("Logout works OK", {
  expect_equal(log_out$status_code, 200)

############################################### logout
### this is a unit test for the get_currencies function
session_details <- mb_login(username,password)
currencies      <- mb_get_currencies(session_details)
test_that("get_currencies gets USD id ok", {
  expect_equal(currencies$`short-name`[which(currencies$`currency-id`==1)], "USD")

############################################### logout
### clear workspace
rm(list = ls())

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

matchbook documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:49 a.m.