Man pages for materialmodifier
Apply Photo Editing Effects

cimg2nimgcimg to nimg conversion
faceA face image.
get_BS_energyCalculate the BS feature energy
gf_decomposeScale-space decomposition by the guided filter
gf_decompose_partsScale-space decomposition
gf_decompose_scaleScale-space decomposition by the guided filter
gf_reconstructReconstruct the original image from decomposed data
im_loadLoad image from file or URL
im_saveSave an image to disk
modifApply material editing effect
modif2Apply material editing effect (For advanced users)
modif_dimCheck the scale information of an image
nimg2cimgnimg to cimg conversion
pipePipe operator
plot.nimgDisplay an image
materialmodifier documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:46 p.m.