
Defines functions knn_meanShift

Documented in knn_meanShift

#' K-d tree based k nearest neighbor search 
#' \code{knn_meanShift} performs a search for the k nearest neighbors of a single 
#' point, where nearest is determined by the Mahalanobis distance.  This search
#' is performed through a k-d tree.
#' @param points n vectors stored in an n by p matrix.  k nearest neighbors are
#'   found for each vector.
#' @param trainData A matrix or vector of potential nearest neighbors.
#' @param k A scalar indicating the number neighbors to find.
#' @param weight A scalar or vector of length equal to the number of columns of 
#'   \code{trainData}.   This value is used as the diagonal elements for the 
#'   inverse covariance matrix of the Mahalanobis distance.
#' @param leafSize A scalar used to specify the number of points to store in the 
#'   leaf nodes. 
#' @param maxDist A vector specifying the maximum value of the Mahalanobis that
#'   will be considered.
#' @return A list is returned containing two items: \code{neighbors}, an n by k
#'   matrix of k indexes for each of the n vectors in \code{points}, corresponding to 
#'   the nearest neighbors in \code{trainData}.  \code{value}, a matrix of scalars 
#'   containing the k distances between the neighbors found in \code{trainData} 
#'   and \code{points}.
#' @examples 
#' x <- matrix(runif(20),10,2)
#' neighbors <- knn_meanShift(c(0,0),x)
#' @useDynLib meanShiftR, .registration = TRUE
#' @export
knn_meanShift <-
) {

  # get data size
  pointsRow <- NROW(points)
  trainRow <- NROW(trainData)
  trainCol <- NCOL(trainData) 

  # check if k is set, note that if 
  k = min(k,NROW(trainData))

  if( missing(weight) ) weight <- rep(1,trainCol)
  if( length(weight) != trainCol ) stop("Error: weight length is not equal to the number of columns.")

  # allocate space for the return vector for number of neighbors
  neighbors = rep(-1,k*pointsRow)
  distances = rep(Inf,k*pointsRow)
  # send our data to the C program
  r.result <- .C("R_knn",
    as.double(  t(points) ),             # 1 data we query
    as.double(  t(trainData) ),          # 2 set to search for nn 
    as.integer( pointsRow ),             # 3 number of rows of points 
    as.integer( trainRow ),              # 4 number of rows of data to search 
    as.integer( trainCol ),              # 5 number of columns of data to search 
    as.double( distances ),              # 6 number of neighbors
    as.integer( neighbors ),             # 7 k neighbors 
    as.integer(  k ),                    # 8 k 
    as.double( weight ),                 # 9 weights for dist
    as.integer( leafSize ),              # 10 number of nodes in the leaf 
    as.double(maxDist),                  # 11 max acceptable distance

  return( list( 
               neighbors=matrix(r.result[[7]],ncol=k,byrow=T) , 
               ) )

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meanShiftR documentation built on Sept. 21, 2021, 9:07 a.m.