Man pages for meltt
Matching Event Data by Location, Time and Type

crash_data1Dataset to illustrate the functionality of meltt
crash_data2Dataset to illustrate the functionality of meltt
crash_data3Dataset to illustrate the functionality of meltt
crash_taxonomiesTaxonomies to illustrate the functionality of meltt
is.melttTests for objects of type meltt.
melttMatching Event Data by Location, Time and Type
meltt_dataReturns de-duplicated entries from meltt output.
meltt.disambiguateTracking and indexing of matching entries [Auxiliary...
meltt_duplicatesReturn identified duplicate entries removed after...
meltt.episodalHandling events and episodal data [Auxiliary Function]
meltt_inspectReturns flagged event-to-episode matches for review.
meltt.matchPerforming iterative comparison and matching [Auxiliary...
meltt-packagemeltt: Matching Event Data by Location, Time, and Type
meltt.taxonomyHandling of taxonomy inputs [Auxiliary Function].
meltt_validateValidation method to assess data integrated by meltt.
mplotWrapper to generate an interactive spatial plot of meltt...
plot.melttPlot function for objects of class meltt.
print.melttPrint function for objects of class meltt.
summary.melttSummary function for objects of class meltt.
tplotTemporal distribution of meltt output data.
meltt documentation built on Oct. 27, 2022, 1:05 a.m.