Man pages for metScanR
Find, Map, and Gather Environmental Data and Metadata

dbLogmetScanR_DB Update Log
getCountryFilter environmental monitoring stations by country
getDatesFilter environmental monitoring stations by active date(s)
getElevationFilter environmental monitoring stations by elevation
getIdFilter environmental monitoring stations by identifier type
getNearbyFilter environmental monitoring stations by POI
getNetworkFilter environmental monitoring stations by network
getStationreturn metadata for selected envionmental station(s)
getTerritoryFilter environmental monitoring stations by state/territory
getVarsFilter environmental monitoring stations by reported elements
mapResultsMap environmental monitoring stations
mapSiteFinderMap environmental monitoring stations
metScanR_DBWorldwide, Environmental Monitoring Station metadata
metScanR_termsEnvironmental metadata terms used within metScanR_DB
siteFinderFilter environmental monitoring stations (wrapper)
updateDatabaseUpdate the metScanR database to the latest version.
metScanR documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 11:37 a.m.