AorticStenosisTrials: Aortic Stenosis RCT data

Description Usage Format Note References


Data from 5 randomized controlled trials of transcatheter aortic valve replacement vs surgery in patients with Aortic Stenosis. The outcome is time until death from any cause. For each RCT, we reconstructed the individual patient data for each randomization group. We first extracted the time and survival probability coordinates from the Kaplan-Meier curves using the DigitizeIt software ( We used these coordinates, the total numbers of events, and the numbers of participants at risk to determine individual event times and event indicators. (Guyot, BMC Med Res Method 2012)




An object of class data.frame with 5417 rows and 4 columns.


Trial ID Trial Name Last observed time (months)*
----------------- ------------------- ---------------------
1 NOTION 24.0
2 PARTNER 63.3
3 SURTAVI 24.1
4 PARTNER2 36.1
5 USCoreValve 24.1

* minimum of the last observed times across the two randomization groups.


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Guyot P, Ades AE, Ouwens MJ, et al. Enhanced secondary analysis of survival data: reconstructing the data from published Kaplan-Meier survival curves. BMC Med Res Methodol 2012; 12:9.

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