
Defines functions checkDays

Documented in checkDays

checkDays <- function(start, end, vars,
                      remote = FALSE,
                      service = mfService(),
                      dataDir = '.'){
    if (service != 'meteogalicia')
        stop(' implemented only for `meteogalicia` service.')

    start <- as.Date(start)
    end <- as.Date(end)
    stopifnot(start <= end)
    stopifnot(end <= Sys.Date()+1)
    seqDays <- seq(start, end, by='day')
        ## Historic data of MG begins on 2008-01-01
        return(seqDays[seqDays >= '2008-01-01'])
    } else {
        ## The possibilities for src can be expanded in the future
        runs <- switch(service, meteogalicia = '00')
        old <- setwd(dataDir)
        ## The pattern is defined for Meteogalicia files (varname_YYYYmmdd_run.nc)
        grid <- expand.grid(vars = vars,
                            days = format(seqDays, '%Y%m%d'),
                            run = runs)
        needed <- paste0(apply(grid, 1, paste, collapse='_'), '.nc')
        files <- dir(pattern='*.nc')
        found <- needed %in% files
        ok <- tapply(found, grid$days, FUN=all)
            badDays <- seqDays[!ok]
            message('Files were not found in ',
                    ' for the following days:\n',
                    paste(badDays, collapse = ', '))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

meteoForecast documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:51 p.m.