kldggd: Kullback-Leibler Divergence between Centered Multivariate...

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kldggdR Documentation

Kullback-Leibler Divergence between Centered Multivariate generalized Gaussian Distributions


Computes the Kullback- Leibler divergence between two random variables distributed according to multivariate generalized Gaussian distributions (MGGD) with zero means.


kldggd(Sigma1, beta1, Sigma2, beta2, eps = 1e-06)



symmetric, positive-definite matrix. The dispersion matrix of the first distribution.


positive real number. The shape parameter of the first distribution.


symmetric, positive-definite matrix. The dispersion matrix of the second distribution.


positive real number. The shape parameter of the second distribution.


numeric. Precision for the computation of the Lauricella function (see lauricella). Default: 1e-06.


Given \mathbf{X}_1, a random vector of \mathbb{R}^p (p > 1) distributed according to the MGGD with parameters (\mathbf{0}, \Sigma_1, \beta_1) and \mathbf{X}_2, a random vector of \mathbb{R}^p distributed according to the MGGD with parameters (\mathbf{0}, \Sigma_2, \beta_2).

The Kullback-Leibler divergence between X_1 and X_2 is given by:

\displaystyle{ KL(\mathbf{X}_1||\mathbf{X}_2) = \ln{\left(\frac{\beta_1 |\Sigma_1|^{-1/2} \Gamma\left(\frac{p}{2\beta_2}\right)}{\beta_2 |\Sigma_2|^{-1/2} \Gamma\left(\frac{p}{2\beta_1}\right)}\right)} + \frac{p}{2} \left(\frac{1}{\beta_2} - \frac{1}{\beta_1}\right) \ln{2} - \frac{p}{2\beta_2} + 2^{\frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1}-1} \frac{\Gamma{\left(\frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1} + \frac{p}{\beta_1}\right)}}{\Gamma{\left(\frac{p}{2 \beta_1}\right)}} \lambda_p^{\beta_2} }

\displaystyle{ \times F_D^{(p-1)}\left(-\beta_1; \underbrace{\frac{1}{2},\dots,\frac{1}{2}}_{p-1}; \frac{p}{2}; 1-\frac{\lambda_{p-1}}{\lambda_p},\dots,1-\frac{\lambda_{1}}{\lambda_p}\right) }

where \lambda_1 < ... < \lambda_{p-1} < \lambda_p are the eigenvalues of the matrix \Sigma_1 \Sigma_2^{-1}
and F_D^{(p-1)} is the Lauricella D-hypergeometric Function.

This computation uses the lauricella function.

When p = 1 (univariate case): let X_1, a random variable distributed according to the generalized Gaussian distribution with parameters (0, \sigma_1, \beta_1) and X_2, a random variable distributed according to the generalized Gaussian distribution with parameters (0, \sigma_2, \beta_2).

KL(X_1||X_2) = \displaystyle{ \ln{\left(\frac{\frac{\beta_1}{\sqrt{\sigma_1}} \Gamma\left(\frac{1}{2\beta_2}\right)}{\frac{\beta_2}{\sqrt{\sigma_2}} \Gamma\left(\frac{1}{2\beta_1}\right)}\right)} + \frac{1}{2} \left(\frac{1}{\beta_2} - \frac{1}{\beta_1}\right) \ln{2} - \frac{1}{2\beta_2} + 2^{\frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1}-1} \frac{\Gamma{\left(\frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1} + \frac{1}{\beta_1}\right)}}{\Gamma{\left(\frac{1}{2 \beta_1}\right)}} \left(\frac{\sigma_1}{\sigma_2}\right)^{\beta_2} }


A numeric value: the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the two distributions, with two attributes attr(, "epsilon") (precision of the result of the Lauricella function; 0 if the distributions are univariate) and attr(, "k") (number of iterations).


Pierre Santagostini, Nizar Bouhlel


N. Bouhlel, A. Dziri, Kullback-Leibler Divergence Between Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distributions. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 26 no. 7, July 2019. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1109/LSP.2019.2915000")}

See Also

mvdggd: probability density of a MGGD.


beta1 <- 0.74
beta2 <- 0.55
Sigma1 <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.3, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2), nrow = 3)
Sigma2 <- matrix(c(1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7), nrow = 3)

# Kullback-Leibler divergence
kl12 <- kldggd(Sigma1, beta1, Sigma2, beta2)
kl21 <- kldggd(Sigma2, beta2, Sigma1, beta1)

# Distance (symmetrized Kullback-Leibler divergence)
kldist <- as.numeric(kl12) + as.numeric(kl21)

mggd documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:56 p.m.