Man pages for micEcon
Microeconomic Analysis and Modelling

appleProdFr86Data on French Apple Producers in 1986
Bleymueller79E25.1Artificial Prices and Quantities
checkConsistTesting Theoretical Consistency
cobbDouglasCalcCalculate dependent variable of a Cobb-Douglas function
cobbDouglasDerivDerivatives of a Cobb-Douglas function
cobbDouglasOptOptimal Values of Independent Variables of a Cobb-Douglas...
coef.quadFuncEstCoefficients of a Quadratic Function
coef.translogEstCoefficients of a Translog Function
elasCalculating and returning elasticities
germanFarmsOutput and Inputs of Farms in West-Germany
logDataSetCreating a Data Set with the Logarithms of the Original...
Missong03E7.7Meat Prices and Quantities in Germany
quadFuncCalcCalculate dependent variable of a quadratic function
quadFuncDerivDerivatives of a quadratic function
quadFuncElaElasticities of a Quadratic Function
quadFuncEstEstimate a quadratic function
residuals.translogEstResiduals of a Translog function
summary.translogEstSummarizing the Estimation of a Translog Function
translogCalcCalculate dependent variable of a translog function
translogCheckCurvatureCurvature of a Translog Function
translogCheckMonoMonotonicity of a Translog Function
translogCostEstEstimate a translog Cost Function
translogDerivDerivatives of a translog function
translogElaElasticities of a translog Function
translogEstEstimate a translog function
translogHessianHessian matrix of a translog function
translogMonoRestrMonotonicity Restrictions of a Translog Function
translogProdFuncMargCostMarginal Costs of Translog Production Function
utilityFossil Fuel Fired Steam Electric Power Plants
micEcon documentation built on Sept. 4, 2022, 1:06 a.m.