Man pages for microplot
Microplots (Sparklines) in 'LaTeX', 'Word', 'HTML', 'Excel'

as.htmlimgPlace a filename or filepath in the format used by HTML
as.includegraphicsConvert a filename into a complete 'LaTeX' '\includegraphics'...
as.orgfilePlace a filename or filepath in the format used by org-mode
as.orgtablePrepare a matrix or data.frame to be used as an org-mode...
cc176.y.adjAdjusted response values and their five number summaries by...
dir.verifyVerifies existence of, or creates, a directory.
formatDFFormat a Data Frame or Matrix for LaTeX or HTML.
graphicsListConvert a list of "trellis" objects or list of "ggplot"...
latex.AEdotplotDisplay the AE (Adverse Events) dotplot of incidence and...
latexSetOptionsSet the options for use of latex; check whether the options...
latex.trellisDisplay a table in 'latex' containing panels from R graphs in...
layoutCollapseSet the lattice 'par.settings' to remove all marginal space.
LegendrePolyMatricesLegendre Orthogonal Polynomials for various values of alpha...
microplotTake a trellis or ggplot object, or graphicsList object (list...
microplotAttrDisplaySpecify how to display the microplots for x.axis, y.axis,...
microplot-internalInternal microplot functions
microplot-packageDisplay microplots (sparklines) from R graphics panels in...
msWordDisplay a table in 'MS Word' containing panels from R graphs...
show.latexConsoleRevisions of Hmisc latex and dvi functions that display the...
themeCollapseSet the 'ggplot2' theme to remove all marginal space.
toxicitySimulated toxicity data. Dataset is used in...
microplot documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:56 p.m.