
Defines functions predict.ic.panel.sglfit predict.ic.sglfit

Documented in predict.ic.panel.sglfit predict.ic.sglfit

#' Computes prediction 
#' @description 
#' Similar to other predict methods, this functions predicts fitted values from a fitted sglfit object.
#' @details 
#' \code{s} is the new vector at which predictions are to be made. If s is not in the lambda sequence used for fitting the model, the predict function will use linear interpolation to make predictions. The new values are interpolated using a fraction of predicted values from both left and right \eqn{lambda} indices.
#' @param object fitted \code{\link{cv.sglfit}} model object.
#' @param newx matrix of new values for x at which predictions are to be made. NOTE: \code{newx} must be a matrix, predict function does not accept a vector or other formats of newx.
#' @param s choose between 'bic', 'aic', and 'aicc'.
#' @param type type of prediction required. Only response is available. Gives predicted response for regression problems.
#' @param ... Not used. Other arguments to predict.
#' @return The object returned depends on type.
#' @export predict.ic.sglfit
predict.ic.sglfit <- function(object, newx, s = c("bic","aic","aicc"), type = c("response"), ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  s <- match.arg(s)
  if (s == "bic") {
    object <- object$ic.fit$bic.fit
  if (s == "aic") {
    object <- object$ic.fit$aic.fit
  if (s == "aicc") {
    object <- object$ic.fit$aicc.fit
  b0 <- t(as.matrix(object$b0))
  rownames(b0) <- "(Intercept)"
  nbeta <- c(b0, object$beta)
  nfit <- c(1, newx) %*% nbeta

#' Computes prediction 
#' @description 
#' Similar to other predict methods, this functions predicts fitted values from a fitted sglfit object.
#' @details 
#' \code{s} is the new vector at which predictions are to be made. If s is not in the lambda sequence used for fitting the model, the predict function will use linear interpolation to make predictions. The new values are interpolated using a fraction of predicted values from both left and right \eqn{lambda} indices.
#' @param object fitted \code{\link{ic.panel.sglfit}} model object.
#' @param newx matrix of new values for x at which predictions are to be made. NOTE: \code{newx} must be a matrix, predict function does not accept a vector or other formats of newx.
#' @param s choose between 'bic', 'aic', and 'aicc'.
#' @param type type of prediction required. Only response is available. Gives predicted response for regression problems.
#' @param method choose between 'pooled', and 'fe'. 
#' @param ... Not used. Other arguments to predict.
#' @return The object returned depends on type.
#' @export predict.ic.panel.sglfit
predict.ic.panel.sglfit <- function(object, newx, s = c("bic","aic","aicc"), type = c("response"), method = c("pooled","fe"),...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  method <- match.arg(method)
  s <- match.arg(s)
  N <- object$fit$nf
  T <- dim(newx)[1]/N
  if (s == "bic") {
    object <- object$ic.panel.fit$bic.fit
  if (s == "aic") {
    object <- object$ic.panel.fit$aic.fit
  if (s == "aicc") {
    object <- object$ic.panel.fit$aicc.fit
  if (method == "pooled"){
    b0 <- t(as.matrix(object$b0))
    rownames(b0) <- "(Intercept)"
    nbeta <- object$beta
    nfit <- newx%*%nbeta + rep(b0, times = N)
  if (method == "fe"){
    a0 <- object$a0
    nbeta <- object$beta
    nfit <- newx %*% nbeta + a0

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