
Defines functions add_geometry

Documented in add_geometry

#'Add shape files to your data
#'This function queries shape files from the tigris package. This function returns an sf object.
#'@param x a data frame for which you want to add shape files to. Must be one of the MI-SUVI data sets.
#'@importFrom tigris zctas counties
#'@importFrom sf st_as_sf
#'my_data <- misuvi_load() |> add_geometry()
#'@export add_geometry
#'@returns an sf data.frame of MI-SUVI data.

add_geometry <- function(x){

  if(nrow(x) > 900){

    # ZCTA

    geom <- tigris::zctas(state = "MI", year = 2010)[,c("ZCTA5CE10", "geometry")]

    final <- merge(x, geom, by.x = "zcta", by.y = "ZCTA5CE10") |>



    geom <- tigris::counties(state = "MI", year = 2020, cb = TRUE)[,"GEOID", "geometry"]

    final <- merge(x, geom, by.x = "fips", by.y = "GEOID", all = TRUE) |>




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misuvi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:55 a.m.