knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" )
, glance
and tidy
methodsThe mixpoissonreg
package provides the augment
, glance
and tidy
methods following the same spirit as the corresponding methods found in the broom
We will now provide a few examples of outputs and applications of these methods to mixpoissonreg
The augment
method for mixpoissonreg
objects provides a tibble::tibble
with several important quantities such as residuals, Cook's distance, generalized Cook's distance, the model's matrix, confidence intervals for the means, etc.
library(mixpoissonreg) fit <- mixpoissonreg(daysabs ~ gender + math + prog | prog, model = "PIG", data = Attendance, em_controls = list(maxit=1)) augment(fit)
One can also set the type of fitted values by changing the type.predict
argument, where the options are "response" (the default), "link", "precision", "variance".
augment(fit, type.predict = "link")
If type.predict
is "link", one can set se_fit
to obtain standard errors for the mean parameters in the linear predictor scale.
augment(fit, type.predict = "link", se_fit = TRUE)
By default the augment
method returns the Pearson's residuals. To return the score residuals one simply has to set the type.residuals
argument to "score":
augment(fit, type.residuals = "score")
It is possible to obtain predictions for newdata by using the newdata
argument. To such an end, the newdata
argument must be set to a data.frame
object containing the values of the covariates for which the predictions are desired. For example:
augment(fit, newdata = data.frame(gender = c("male", "female"), math = c(34, 85), prog = factor(c("General", "Academic"), levels = c("General", "Academic", "Vocational"))))
Notice that in the above example the confidence intervals for the means were returned by default. However, it is important to obtain prediction intervals, i.e., intervals for which the future observations will fall with the prescribed probability. It is important to notice that since we did not obtain an approximate distribution for the response variable, we obtain the prediction intervals by simulation, which is computationally intensive.
To obtain prediction intervals, one must set the pred_int
argument to TRUE
. The prescribed probability can be set by entering the level
argument, the default level is 0.95. With respect to the simulation to obtain prediction intervals, one can change the number of mean and prediction parameters generated by setting the nsim_pred
argument to the desired value, the default is 100, and also can change the number of response variables y generated for each pair of mean and precision parameters by setting the nsim_pred_y
to the desired value, the default is 100.
Finally, we can also set conf_int
to remove the confidence intervals for the mean.
augment(fit, newdata = data.frame(gender = c("male", "female"), math = c(34, 85), prog = factor(c("General", "Academic"), levels = c("General", "Academic", "Vocational"))), pred_int = TRUE, level = 0.99, nsim_pred = 50, nsim_pred_y =50, conf_int = FALSE)
With the augment
method it is simple to sort the observations by their Cook's distance or by their generalized Cook's distance along with their indexes and the model's matrix in order to facilitate the study of their influence:
library(dplyr) augment(fit) %>% mutate(.index = row_number()) %>% arrange(desc(.cooksd)) %>% select(.index, daysabs, gender, math,prog,.cooksd)
augment(fit) %>% mutate(.index = row_number()) %>% arrange(desc(.gencooksd)) %>% select(.index, daysabs, gender, math,prog,.gencooksd)
Finally, it is easy to use the augment
method to build useful plots. For instance, let us consider a new model containing only "math" as covariate and let us create confidence intervals for the means and prediction intervals for the response variables.
First, the plot with confidence intervals for the means:
library(ggplot2) fit_math <- mixpoissonreg(daysabs ~ math, data = Attendance, em_controls = list(maxit=1)) fit_data <- augment(fit_math) %>% dplyr::select(math, daysabs) %>% dplyr::rename("Math Score" = math, "Days Abscent" = daysabs) new_math <- seq(0, 100, by=0.25) fit_int <- augment(fit_math, newdata = data.frame(math = new_math)) %>% dplyr::rename("Math Score" = math) %>% mutate("Days Abscent" = 0) ggplot(fit_data, aes(x = `Math Score`, y = `Days Abscent`)) + geom_point() + geom_function(fun = function(x){exp(fit_math$coefficients$mean[1] + fit_math$coefficients$mean[2]*x)}, colour = "blue") + geom_ribbon(data = fit_int, aes(ymin = .fittedlwrconf, ymax = .fitteduprconf), fill = "grey70", alpha = 0.7)
Observe that the confidence intervals tend to be narrow. They are confidence intervals for the means, not for the response variables. The intervals that play the role of "confidence intervals" for response variables are the prediction intervals, which are much wider and provide estimate of intervals for which future observations will fall with the prescribed probability.
Now the plot containing the predictions intervals for the response variables:
fit_pred <- augment(fit_math, newdata = data.frame(math = new_math), pred_int = TRUE, nsim_pred = 50, nsim_pred_y = 50) %>% dplyr::rename("Math Score" = math) %>% mutate("Days Abscent" = 0) ggplot(fit_data, aes(x = `Math Score`, y = `Days Abscent`)) + geom_point() + geom_function(fun = function(x){exp(fit_math$coefficients$mean[1] + fit_math$coefficients$mean[2]*x)}, colour = "blue") + geom_ribbon(data = fit_pred, aes(ymin = .fittedlwrpred, ymax = .fitteduprpred), fill = "grey70", alpha = 0.7)
The glance
method for mixpoissonreg
objects only contains one argument, which is the fitted mixpoissonreg
object. It returns a tibble::tibble
with useful information for constructing tests and also for comparing different fits:
Notice that it also contains Efron's pseudo-$R^2$, which is essentially an indicator of how well the future predictions will typically be. Basically, if the variance of the response is very high, even though the model may be able to provide a good estimate of the mean, the mean may be a poor estimate of the response variable.
The tidy
method for mixpoissonreg
objects provide the parameter's estimates along with their standard errors, z-statistics and p-values. It has two arguments, a logical
indicating whether confidence intervals for the parameters should be returned and conf.level
indicating the confidence level, the default level is 0.95.
For example:
tidy(fit, = TRUE)
One can also use the tidy
method to build plots of the mean-related coefficients and precision-related coefficients with confidence intervals:
tidy(fit, = TRUE) %>% ggplot(aes(x = term, y = estimate)) + geom_point() + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), width = 0.2) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45)) + scale_x_discrete(name = "Coefficient") + scale_y_continuous(name = "Estimate") + facet_wrap(~ component)
or separately (since the precision regression structure does not contain all the covariates)
library(gridExtra) pmean <- tidy(fit, = TRUE) %>% filter(component == "mean") %>% ggplot(aes(x = term, y = estimate)) + geom_point() + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), width = 0.2) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45)) + scale_x_discrete(name = "Coefficient") + scale_y_continuous(name = "Estimate") + facet_wrap(~ component) pprecision <- tidy(fit, = TRUE) %>% filter(component == "precision") %>% ggplot(aes(x = term, y = estimate)) + geom_point() + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), width = 0.2) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45)) + scale_x_discrete(name = "Coefficient") + scale_y_continuous(name = element_blank()) + facet_wrap(~ component) grid.arrange(pmean, pprecision, ncol=2)
and local_influence_benchmarks
methodsThe tidy_local_influence
method for mixpoissonreg
objects has, besides the model
argument, all the arguments of the local_influence
method for mixpoissonreg
objects. For details on these arguments we refer the reader to the Global and local influence analysis with the mixpoissonreg package vignette.
When we call the tidy_local_influence
method it returns a nice tibble::tibble
containing the curvatures under the chosen perturbation schemes. For example:
One can, for instance, change the curvature and the direction:
tidy_local_influence(fit, curvature = "normal", direction = "max.eigen")
Useful plots of the local influence measures can be obtained by using the local_influence_autoplot
The local_influence_benchmarks
method for mixpoissonreg
objects returns the benchmarks for the different perturbation schemes. We use the benchmarks suggested by Zhu and Lee (2001) for conformal normal curvatures and the benchmarks suggested by Verbeke and Molenberghs (2000, sect. 11.3) for normal curvatures. For direction = "max.eigen"
, no benchmark is provided.
When we call the local_influence_benchmarks
method it returns a tibble::tibble
containing the benchmarks for the chosen perturbation schemes. For example:
One possible application is the following: select the observations whose curvature are above the benchmarks, then left_join
this tibble
with a subset of the tibble
returned by the augment
method containing the model's matrix. This facilitates the study of the influential observations.
library(tidyr) inf_tbl <- tidy_local_influence(fit) %>% mutate(.index = row_number()) %>% pivot_longer(!.index, names_to = "perturbation", values_to = "curvature") bench_tbl <- local_influence_benchmarks(fit) %>% pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "perturbation", values_to = "benchmark") inf_bench_tbl <- left_join(inf_tbl, bench_tbl, by = "perturbation") %>% mutate(influential = curvature > benchmark) %>% filter(influential == TRUE) %>% select(-influential, -benchmark, -curvature) data_tbl <- augment(fit) %>% mutate(.index = row_number()) %>% select(.index, daysabs, gender, math, prog) influential <- left_join(inf_bench_tbl, data_tbl, by = ".index") influential
It is easy to see that the above tibble
is very helpful in the study of influential observations.
One can also easily count how many observations have curvature above the benchmark considering all the perturbation schemes:
influential %>% select(.index) %>% unique() %>% count()
and local_influence_autoplot
methodsThe autoplot
method for mixpoissonreg
objects provides 6 useful plots for diagnostic analysis. By default, it provides the following plots: "Residuals vs Obs. number", "Normal Q-Q", "Cook's dist vs Generalized Cook's dist" and "Response vs Fitted means". These plots are obtained by simply calling the autoplot
Notice that it automatically identify the label.n
most extreme points. The default value for label.n
is 3.
If the model is fitted with simulated envelopes, then the envelopes are automatically plotted. In the example below we will consider the estimation obtained by direct maximization of likelihood function to reduce computational cost.
fit_env <- mixpoissonregML(daysabs ~ gender + math + prog | prog, model = "PIG", data = Attendance, envelope = 10, optim_controls = list(maxit=1)) autoplot(fit_env)
We can easily plot Cook's distance and generalized Cook's distance by including in the which
argument the numbers 3 (Cook's distance) and 4 (generalized Cook's distance):
autoplot(fit, which = c(3,4))
There are also several options to customize the appearance of the plots. Several of these options are presented in the Building and customizing ggplot2-based diagnostic plots with the mixpoissonreg package vignette.
The local_influence_autoplot
provides plots of the curvatures under the perturbation schemes for all the possible combinations of arguments of the local_influence
method. We refer the reader to the Global and local influence analysis with the mixpoissonreg package vignette for further details on these arguments.
If the direction
argument is set to "canonical" (the default), then the n.influential
points above the benchmarks are automatically identified, where the default value for n.influential
is 5. Recall that we use the benchmarks suggested by Zhu and Lee (2001) for conformal normal curvatures and the benchmarks suggested by Verbeke and Molenberghs (2000, sect. 11.3) for normal curvatures. For direction = "max.eigen"
, no benchmark is provided. In this case, the local_influence_autoplot
method automatically identifies the n.influential
most extremes points.
Let us build these plots. First, the standard arguments provide the plots of conformal normal curvature in the canonical directions for the "case_weights", "hidden_variable", "mean_explanatory" and "precision_explanatory" perturbation schemes with "case_weights" and "hidden_variable" being computed for all parameters, and the explanatory perturbations being computed for all covariates:
To change to normal curvature simply set the curvature
argument to "normal":
local_influence_autoplot(fit, curvature = "normal")
We can change the perturbations schemes to be displayed by providing a list or vector containing the numbers relative to the wanted perturbations. The number 1 is the case weights perturbation, number 2 is the hidden variable perturbation, number 3 is mean explanatory perturbation, number 4 is precision explanatory perturbation and number 5 is simultaneous explanatory perturbation.
local_influence_autoplot(fit, which = c(1,2))
We can draw the benchmark line (when direction
is "canonical") by setting the draw.benchmark
argument to TRUE
local_influence_autoplot(fit, draw.benchmark = TRUE)
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