Man pages for mldr.datasets
R Ultimate Multilabel Dataset Repository

available.mldrsObtain additional datasets available to download
bibtexDataset with BibTeX entries
birdsDataset with sounds produced by birds and the species they...
bookmarksDataset with data from web bookmarks and their categories
cal500Dataset with music data along with labels for emotions,...
check_n_load.mldr(Defunct) Check if an mldr object is locally available and...
corel16k001Datasets with data from the Corel image collection. There are...
corel16k002Datasets with data from the Corel image collection. There are...
corel16k003Datasets with data from the Corel image collection. There are...
corel16k004Datasets with data from the Corel image collection. There are...
corel16k005Datasets with data from the Corel image collection. There are...
corel16k006Datasets with data from the Corel image collection. There are...
corel16k007Datasets with data from the Corel image collection. There are...
corel16k008Datasets with data from the Corel image collection. There are...
corel16k009Datasets with data from the Corel image collection. There are...
corel16k010Datasets with data from the Corel image collection. There are...
corel5kDataset with data from the Corel image collection
deliciousDataset generated from the site bookmarks
densityCalculate the density level of the dataset
emotionsDataset with features extracted from music tracks and the...
enronDataset with email messages and the folders where the users...
eurlexdc_testList with 10 folds of the test data from the EUR-Lex...
eurlexdc_traList with 10 folds of the train data from the EUR-Lex...
eurlexev_testList with 10 folds of the test data from the EUR-Lex EUROVOC...
eurlexev_traList with 10 folds of the train data from the EUR-Lex EUROVOC...
eurlexsm_testList with 10 folds of the test data from the EUR-Lex subject...
eurlexsm_traList with 10 folds of the train data from the EUR-Lex subject...
flagsDataset with features correspoinding to world flags
genbaseDataset with genes data and their functional expression
get.mldrGet a multilabel dataset by name
imdbDataset generated from the IMDB film database
iterative.stratification.holdoutHold-out partitioning of an mldr object
iterative.stratification.kfoldsPartition an mldr object into k folds
iterative.stratification.partitionsGeneric partitioning of an mldr object
langlogDataset with data from the Language forum discussion
mediamillDataset with features extracted from video sequences and...
medicalDataset generated from medical reports
mldrs(Defunct) Obtain and show a list of additional datasets...
ng20Dataset with news messages and the news groups they belong to
nuswide_BoWDataset obtained from the NUS-WIDE database with BoW...
nuswide_VLADDataset obtained from the NUS-WIDE database with cVLAD+...
ohsumedDataset generated from a subset of the Medline database
random.holdoutHold-out partitioning of an mldr object
random.kfoldsPartition an mldr object into k folds
random.partitionsGeneric partitioning of an mldr object
rcv1sub1Dataset from the Reuters corpus (subset 1)
rcv1sub2Dataset from the Reuters corpus (subset 2)
rcv1sub3Dataset from the Reuters corpus (subset 3)
rcv1sub4Dataset from the Reuters corpus (subset 4)
rcv1sub5Dataset from the Reuters corpus (subset 5)
reutersk500Dataset from the Reuters Corpus with the 500 most relevant...
sceneDataset from images with different natural scenes
slashdotDataset generated from site entries
sparsityCalculate the sparsity level of the dataset
stackex_chemistryDataset from the Stack Exchange's chemistry forum
stackex_chessDataset from the Stack Exchange's chess forum
stackex_coffeeDataset from the Stack Exchange's coffee forum
stackex_cookingDataset from the Stack Exchange's cooking forum
stackex_csDataset from the Stack Exchange's computer science forum
stackex_philosophyDataset from the Stack Exchange's philosophy forum
stratified.holdoutHold-out partitioning of an mldr object
stratified.kfoldsPartition an mldr object into k folds
stratified.partitionsGeneric partitioning of an mldr object
tmc2007Dataset from airplanes failures reports
tmc2007_500Dataset from airplanes failures reports (500 most relevant...
toBibtex.mldrBibTeX entry associated to an mldr object
write.mldrExport an mldr object or set of mldr objects to different...
yahoo_artsDataset generated from the Yahoo! web site index (arts...
yahoo_businessDataset generated from the Yahoo! web site index (business...
yahoo_computersDataset generated from the Yahoo! web site index (computers...
yahoo_educationDataset generated from the Yahoo! web site index (arts...
yahoo_entertainmentDataset generated from the Yahoo! web site index (arts...
yahoo_healthDataset generated from the Yahoo! web site index (health...
yahoo_recreationDataset generated from the Yahoo! web site index (recreation...
yahoo_referenceDataset generated from the Yahoo! web site index (reference...
yahoo_scienceDataset generated from the Yahoo! web site index (science...
yahoo_socialDataset generated from the Yahoo! web site index (social...
yahoo_societyDataset generated from the Yahoo! web site index (society...
yeastDataset with protein profiles and their categories
mldr.datasets documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:43 p.m.