Man pages for mlmm.gwas
Pipeline for GWAS Using MLMM

eBIC_allmodelsCompute eBIC and BIC criteria
Estimation_allmodelsCompute estimated effects
fromeBICtoEstimationHelper function that create the selec_XXclass argument of the...
frommlmm_toebicHelper that create the selec_XX argument of eBIC_allmodels()
genotypes.boxplotBoxplots representation of the distributions of phenotypes...
manhattan.plotManhattan plot
mlmm_allmodelsMulti-Locus Mixed-Model
mlmm.gwas.ADDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, additive and...
mlmm.gwas.FMIDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, male+female...
run_entire_gwas_pipelineMLMM, model selection and effects estimation
threshold_allmodelsSelect significant marker thanks to a p-value threshold
mlmm.gwas documentation built on Aug. 5, 2019, 5:12 p.m.